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The award is based on a number of factors including game range, game play, ethics, affiliate offerings, customer service, innovation and public and player feedback. fought off some tough competition this month, but there can only be one winner - that's
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30 April 2010
Australian Gambling Device No; It's Just Technology, by Greg Tingle - 30th April 2010
Following our report on the 25th of the month, there's been some very important developments on the legal situation re the internet kiosks located in Australian pubs and hotels that Australia's Tabcorp called a "gambling device". The courts do not agree! Victory for VenueNet and Australian internet lovers... Media Man and Gambling911 with the story...
Today a computer terminal with internet access that gaming authorities claim is an "unauthorised instrument of betting", will be reinstalled! A computer being plugged back in is not normally so newsworthy, but because of the gaming, legal and political connection, it is, so there you go! Back to the pub from where you were seized, you good computer. The (kangaroo not) court ordered it, so hop to it son.
The manufacture of the device er machine, VenueNet, has a business arrangement with Darwin-based bookmaker Sportsbet to offer customers access to their betting accounts through the computer kiosk. The full details of the agreement are commercially sensitive in nature, but its a win-win (unless your a punter loosing).
VenueNet is hopeful the court's ruling will facilitate a planned roll out by the truck full of some 200 devices er machines.. up and down the east coast of Australia.
The Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation confiscated the device er machine from the Rising Sun Hotel in South Melbourne last August, after receiving a complaint from Aussie gaming and racing giant Tabcorp, which currently holds Victoria's exclusive retail wagering licence. Tabcorp are also the current owners of Star City Casino in Sydney (which James Packer of Crown is rumored to have an interest in... a deal once stopped by his late farther Kerry, close to a decade ago).
The 'Kiosk Case' as its now known as in gaming circles is seen as being a test of Australian gambling and igaming laws that have failed miserably to keep pace with technology and has raised doubts about the value of the Victorian wagering licence, which is up for tender. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Senator Stephen Conroy take note "failed miserably"..."raised doubts"... its the Kiosk Case, not the Aussie internet filter case, with an exciting update on that in a day or two.
Media Man is pleased that at least the government hasn't given Aussies or the press the silent treatment on this one. Rebecca Harrison, spokeswoman for Gaming Minister Tony Robinson, goes on record "The government believes that our current laws are appropriate to protect the integrity of the wagering licence." Bec, what did the court just rule with?! Next the Australian government will tell us their laws (sometimes made up on the run to suit their agenda) overshadow human rights laws, or did they try that stunt already.
VenueNet chair Mr John Thompson advised his firm would wait until next week before turning the sorely missed machine on, when the company was confident no charges could be laid.
The government continues its own fun and games (costing Australian business lost productivity and stress)...the commission said that deadline was still two months away!
Food for thought as the battle between man, machine and government robots continue...
"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man" (Elbert Hubbard)... and another rip snorter from Elbert... "To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing"... on that point we overheard a Media Man insider whisper "Ten great years of bad spelling mistakes. Gambling911... I love it".
Punters, know the odds and have fun, as the battle between man, machine and government robots heats up. In keeping with the theme, gamers may like to check out The Terminator, a PartyGaming - PartyCasino number. Virgin Games also have 'Transformers', but Aussies and Americans can't currently access Virgin Casino. Available on all good Aussie, Canadian and South African internet kiosks, home computers and internet cafes! Time to leave you to your own devices.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
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Today a computer terminal with internet access that gaming authorities claim is an "unauthorised instrument of betting", will be reinstalled! A computer being plugged back in is not normally so newsworthy, but because of the gaming, legal and political connection, it is, so there you go! Back to the pub from where you were seized, you good computer. The (kangaroo not) court ordered it, so hop to it son.
The manufacture of the device er machine, VenueNet, has a business arrangement with Darwin-based bookmaker Sportsbet to offer customers access to their betting accounts through the computer kiosk. The full details of the agreement are commercially sensitive in nature, but its a win-win (unless your a punter loosing).
VenueNet is hopeful the court's ruling will facilitate a planned roll out by the truck full of some 200 devices er machines.. up and down the east coast of Australia.
The Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation confiscated the device er machine from the Rising Sun Hotel in South Melbourne last August, after receiving a complaint from Aussie gaming and racing giant Tabcorp, which currently holds Victoria's exclusive retail wagering licence. Tabcorp are also the current owners of Star City Casino in Sydney (which James Packer of Crown is rumored to have an interest in... a deal once stopped by his late farther Kerry, close to a decade ago).
The 'Kiosk Case' as its now known as in gaming circles is seen as being a test of Australian gambling and igaming laws that have failed miserably to keep pace with technology and has raised doubts about the value of the Victorian wagering licence, which is up for tender. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Senator Stephen Conroy take note "failed miserably"..."raised doubts"... its the Kiosk Case, not the Aussie internet filter case, with an exciting update on that in a day or two.
Media Man is pleased that at least the government hasn't given Aussies or the press the silent treatment on this one. Rebecca Harrison, spokeswoman for Gaming Minister Tony Robinson, goes on record "The government believes that our current laws are appropriate to protect the integrity of the wagering licence." Bec, what did the court just rule with?! Next the Australian government will tell us their laws (sometimes made up on the run to suit their agenda) overshadow human rights laws, or did they try that stunt already.
VenueNet chair Mr John Thompson advised his firm would wait until next week before turning the sorely missed machine on, when the company was confident no charges could be laid.
The government continues its own fun and games (costing Australian business lost productivity and stress)...the commission said that deadline was still two months away!
Food for thought as the battle between man, machine and government robots continue...
"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man" (Elbert Hubbard)... and another rip snorter from Elbert... "To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing"... on that point we overheard a Media Man insider whisper "Ten great years of bad spelling mistakes. Gambling911... I love it".
Punters, know the odds and have fun, as the battle between man, machine and government robots heats up. In keeping with the theme, gamers may like to check out The Terminator, a PartyGaming - PartyCasino number. Virgin Games also have 'Transformers', but Aussies and Americans can't currently access Virgin Casino. Available on all good Aussie, Canadian and South African internet kiosks, home computers and internet cafes! Time to leave you to your own devices.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
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New Zealand And Australian Casinos Expect Changes, by Greg Tingle - 30th April 2010
Australian and New Zealand casino bosses, top brass and insiders expect significant changes to the Asia pacific casino, club and gaming sector.
The gaming sector down under in the land of Kiwi's, New Zealand, points out the substantial financial and other contributions they make in the community, while anti gaming campaigners say casinos, clubs and the like overstate their contribution. We cross over to the Tasman as Media Man and Gambling911 continue their probe for truth, justice and the American, Kiwi and Australian way...
It's time the true contribution of gaming machines to the New Zealand economy was recognised and acknowledged...that's part of the key message from conference participants at the 2010 New Zealand Gaming Expo.
The venue...the beautiful SKYCITY in Auckland, New Zealand.
Chief Executive Officer Gaming Technologies Association (GTA), Ross Ferrar, advised revenue from gaming machines benefited many...charities, schools, community bodies and sporting groups, to name but a few. The machines also returned a large proportion of their earnings back to the government in the form of compliance costs and taxes.
"Gaming machines are designed to entertain and the casino, and gaming rooms in pubs and clubs exist so people can do this in a safe, controlled and regulated environment. There are just under 20,000 gaming machines throughout New Zealand which contribute over $300 million to deserving groups around the country. The government earns around $242 million annually from the machines," points out Mr Ferrar.
SKYCITY CEO, Nigel Morrison, echoed the message in his opening address to the conference that the 2003 Gambling Act focused on harm minimisation and ignored the economic contribution gaming made to the economy.
Mr Morrison advised the gaming industry was struggling to grow within a tightly regulated framework and there continued to be uncertainty about the operating environment.
"We still don't know what the New Zealand reaction is going to be to the Australian Productivity Commission's report into gambling. There seems to be a focus on pre-commitment and we are concerned about the recommendations to limit player expenditure on gaming machines.
"We anticipate change within the industry and it's unlikely that the three main casino players in Australasia, SKYCITY, Crown and Tabcorp will remain as they are in the next two years."
Change was also the message from Chief Executive Pub Charity Mr Martin Cheer who told delegates the anti-gaming lobby had switched from its position of highlighting harm to challenging the integrity of the Trusts.
"Accusations of harm from gaming machines have run their course, largely because the claims can't be substantiated. The move now is to attack the gaming machine Trusts. This makes it important that everything they do is above board. The debate needs to come back to the centre because it's been one-side for too long. The gaming industry needs to participate and become more involved in taking charge of its own future."
The CEO of Hospitality Association Of NZ, Mr Bruce Robertson who told conference delegates gaming machines were a significant fundraising business which was slowly being strangled.
"The Department of Internal Affairs unfortunately has a single minded focus on optimising returns through cost minimisation. If the Trusts don't present a cohesive face to the industry the Department of Internal Affairs will be able to pick them off one by one. This will continue to weaken the industry."
Mr Robertson added that the current rules being applied to the sector were not sustainable. "The result will be a reduction in the money that goes to the community.
Minister of Revenue and Associate Minister of Health, Hon Peter Dunne told delegates that gaming machine operators needed to continue to find new and better ways to work with communities.
"The whole premise of charity gaming in New Zealand is that the proceeds are returned to the local community. The implicit partnership has always been that gaming machine proceeds were available for distribution for the betterment of local communities.
The call from the CEO of the Community Gaming Association, Mr Francis Wevers was the need for the industry to work together to protect its interests.
"The benefits of gaming to the local community are often overlooked in the welter of criticism but steps are being taken to bridge the gap between the anti-gambling sector and the Class 4 venues. We work in a market that has a unique set of parameters and we need to stop apologising for it."
Mr Ferrar reiterated that the gaming industry sector should be proud of the economic contribution it made.
"Gaming is good for the community because it can make a positive difference."
Should the Aussies follow the Kiwi ways and follow like sheep, or should the sheep follow the Aussie Kangaroos, or should both animals look further afield to the American eagles?
We think sustainable solutions and answers are likely to be found by looking globally, not just in our own backyards. Certainly there's many success stories in America with the Native American Indians being able to nurture and support communities thanks to gaming and casino tourism. Many tribes also have plans to suitable incorporate online poker and online casino ventures, rather than see it as a threat to their enterprise. If Las Vegas and Atlantic City was able to better embrace the online world perhaps they wouldn't be in the mess they are in, but that's another story. The late Charles Darwin famously pointed out that adapting to change was vital for the species who are to survive.
Media Man is currently in liaison with Australian based GenerationOne and other government bodies as to how best go about employing a couple more Australians (qualified and trained up Indigenous Aussies), whilst minimizing red tape. Australian mining magnate, Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest and Aussie casino king, James Packer (Crown Limited) are driving forces behind the GenerationOne initiative.
Media Man and many of their business partners, associates and friends in the media, new media and interactive entertainment space are concerned that some of the online (internet filter) and offline censorship initiatives from Australia's Rudd government are going to cost Australian's jobs and international trade opportunities. In addition newspapers and magazines are forecast to become further censored. Companies set to be adversely effected in their trade with Australia and New Zealand include Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Playboy, AussieBum, Marvel Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Virgin Enterprises Limited, UFC, Hasbro, EA, MTV and News Corporation. Media Man recently documented some of their concerns to the United Nations, Virgin Unite, Reporters Without Borders and MP Tony Abbott's office, as was thanked for their contribution... no, not a 'Casino Jack' monetary contribution! No, we didn't have to play golf with any of the top brass concerned either.
Tell us what you think in the forum, and as our friends at New Corp - Fox say, keep it fair and balanced... can we trust you with that. Know the odds, and keep it fun.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of industry sectors they cover.
*The writer is a shareholder in Crown Limited, Virgin and a pro active member of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, and Richard Branson's Virgin Unite
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Australian Casino News
The gaming sector down under in the land of Kiwi's, New Zealand, points out the substantial financial and other contributions they make in the community, while anti gaming campaigners say casinos, clubs and the like overstate their contribution. We cross over to the Tasman as Media Man and Gambling911 continue their probe for truth, justice and the American, Kiwi and Australian way...
It's time the true contribution of gaming machines to the New Zealand economy was recognised and acknowledged...that's part of the key message from conference participants at the 2010 New Zealand Gaming Expo.
The venue...the beautiful SKYCITY in Auckland, New Zealand.
Chief Executive Officer Gaming Technologies Association (GTA), Ross Ferrar, advised revenue from gaming machines benefited many...charities, schools, community bodies and sporting groups, to name but a few. The machines also returned a large proportion of their earnings back to the government in the form of compliance costs and taxes.
"Gaming machines are designed to entertain and the casino, and gaming rooms in pubs and clubs exist so people can do this in a safe, controlled and regulated environment. There are just under 20,000 gaming machines throughout New Zealand which contribute over $300 million to deserving groups around the country. The government earns around $242 million annually from the machines," points out Mr Ferrar.
SKYCITY CEO, Nigel Morrison, echoed the message in his opening address to the conference that the 2003 Gambling Act focused on harm minimisation and ignored the economic contribution gaming made to the economy.
Mr Morrison advised the gaming industry was struggling to grow within a tightly regulated framework and there continued to be uncertainty about the operating environment.
"We still don't know what the New Zealand reaction is going to be to the Australian Productivity Commission's report into gambling. There seems to be a focus on pre-commitment and we are concerned about the recommendations to limit player expenditure on gaming machines.
"We anticipate change within the industry and it's unlikely that the three main casino players in Australasia, SKYCITY, Crown and Tabcorp will remain as they are in the next two years."
Change was also the message from Chief Executive Pub Charity Mr Martin Cheer who told delegates the anti-gaming lobby had switched from its position of highlighting harm to challenging the integrity of the Trusts.
"Accusations of harm from gaming machines have run their course, largely because the claims can't be substantiated. The move now is to attack the gaming machine Trusts. This makes it important that everything they do is above board. The debate needs to come back to the centre because it's been one-side for too long. The gaming industry needs to participate and become more involved in taking charge of its own future."
The CEO of Hospitality Association Of NZ, Mr Bruce Robertson who told conference delegates gaming machines were a significant fundraising business which was slowly being strangled.
"The Department of Internal Affairs unfortunately has a single minded focus on optimising returns through cost minimisation. If the Trusts don't present a cohesive face to the industry the Department of Internal Affairs will be able to pick them off one by one. This will continue to weaken the industry."
Mr Robertson added that the current rules being applied to the sector were not sustainable. "The result will be a reduction in the money that goes to the community.
Minister of Revenue and Associate Minister of Health, Hon Peter Dunne told delegates that gaming machine operators needed to continue to find new and better ways to work with communities.
"The whole premise of charity gaming in New Zealand is that the proceeds are returned to the local community. The implicit partnership has always been that gaming machine proceeds were available for distribution for the betterment of local communities.
The call from the CEO of the Community Gaming Association, Mr Francis Wevers was the need for the industry to work together to protect its interests.
"The benefits of gaming to the local community are often overlooked in the welter of criticism but steps are being taken to bridge the gap between the anti-gambling sector and the Class 4 venues. We work in a market that has a unique set of parameters and we need to stop apologising for it."
Mr Ferrar reiterated that the gaming industry sector should be proud of the economic contribution it made.
"Gaming is good for the community because it can make a positive difference."
Should the Aussies follow the Kiwi ways and follow like sheep, or should the sheep follow the Aussie Kangaroos, or should both animals look further afield to the American eagles?
We think sustainable solutions and answers are likely to be found by looking globally, not just in our own backyards. Certainly there's many success stories in America with the Native American Indians being able to nurture and support communities thanks to gaming and casino tourism. Many tribes also have plans to suitable incorporate online poker and online casino ventures, rather than see it as a threat to their enterprise. If Las Vegas and Atlantic City was able to better embrace the online world perhaps they wouldn't be in the mess they are in, but that's another story. The late Charles Darwin famously pointed out that adapting to change was vital for the species who are to survive.
Media Man is currently in liaison with Australian based GenerationOne and other government bodies as to how best go about employing a couple more Australians (qualified and trained up Indigenous Aussies), whilst minimizing red tape. Australian mining magnate, Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest and Aussie casino king, James Packer (Crown Limited) are driving forces behind the GenerationOne initiative.
Media Man and many of their business partners, associates and friends in the media, new media and interactive entertainment space are concerned that some of the online (internet filter) and offline censorship initiatives from Australia's Rudd government are going to cost Australian's jobs and international trade opportunities. In addition newspapers and magazines are forecast to become further censored. Companies set to be adversely effected in their trade with Australia and New Zealand include Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sony, Sega, Playboy, AussieBum, Marvel Entertainment, Paramount Pictures, Virgin Enterprises Limited, UFC, Hasbro, EA, MTV and News Corporation. Media Man recently documented some of their concerns to the United Nations, Virgin Unite, Reporters Without Borders and MP Tony Abbott's office, as was thanked for their contribution... no, not a 'Casino Jack' monetary contribution! No, we didn't have to play golf with any of the top brass concerned either.
Tell us what you think in the forum, and as our friends at New Corp - Fox say, keep it fair and balanced... can we trust you with that. Know the odds, and keep it fun.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a bakers dozen of industry sectors they cover.
*The writer is a shareholder in Crown Limited, Virgin and a pro active member of the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, and Richard Branson's Virgin Unite
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Australian Casino News
29 April 2010
Crown Casino To Show Off Underbelly At Logie Awards, by Greg Tingle - 29th April 2010
Australia's tourism and entertainment icon, Crown Casino, gets to show of its wares on a national and international scale this coming Sunday night, with the TV smash hit 'Underbelly' in line for a number of awards. Folks, this event is all about entertainment, not table games, slots or the bottom line, or at least that's the official word. Mind you, someone has to put the 'Business' in show business, and Crown continues to deliver the goods, year after year.
Media Man and Gambling911 have been hitting the phones and pounding the pavement in order to work out who the smart money is on.
Casino tycoon, James Packer, owner of Crown, enjoys a long and largely very positive history with both Network Nine's David Gyngell, and print press publication, ACP Magazines, not that we are suggesting that would be instrumental in who gets gold, silver or a donut (0).
James Packer owned Crown Casino in Melbourne, will be host to the 2010 Logie Awards on Sunday 2nd May.
'Underbelly', which frequently features gambling (illegal dens in most cases), has been nominated for a modest bush tucker bag full of awards. The list, correct at time of publication:
Asher Keddie (Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities), broadcast on Network Nine is up for
the Outstanding Actress award.
'Underbelly' is also up for the Most Popular Drama award.
Anna Hutchison, Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities is nominated for the Graham Kennedy Award for Outstanding New Talent.
Last Word
Bouncers and security...a number of football and cricket stars will be present, many of which are known to get a bit boisterous when on the grog. Please don't bring out the plastic handcuffs, unless absolutely necessary. Mind you, it would make bloody good television and provide plenty of fodder for paparazzi attending the gala affair. Celebs, sportsmen... you've been forewarned.
Bert Newton is hosting this year, being seen by the powers that be as a safe bet. Meantime, Bert's son, Matthew, has recently booked himself into rehab, in a step we applaud. Newton Jr played Terry 'Mr Asia' Clark in 'Underbelly: A Tale Of Two Cities'.
Our loyal and worldwide readership is looking forward to the goss following the event, so have a couple of drinks on us, but don't overdo it either. Drink too much... just slip on over to Crown Towers or Crown Metropol. They will be happy to look after you, for a price.
*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited
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Australian Casino News
Australian Sports Entertainment
Global Gaming Directory
Media Man and Gambling911 have been hitting the phones and pounding the pavement in order to work out who the smart money is on.
Casino tycoon, James Packer, owner of Crown, enjoys a long and largely very positive history with both Network Nine's David Gyngell, and print press publication, ACP Magazines, not that we are suggesting that would be instrumental in who gets gold, silver or a donut (0).
James Packer owned Crown Casino in Melbourne, will be host to the 2010 Logie Awards on Sunday 2nd May.
'Underbelly', which frequently features gambling (illegal dens in most cases), has been nominated for a modest bush tucker bag full of awards. The list, correct at time of publication:
Asher Keddie (Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities), broadcast on Network Nine is up for
the Outstanding Actress award.
'Underbelly' is also up for the Most Popular Drama award.
Anna Hutchison, Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities is nominated for the Graham Kennedy Award for Outstanding New Talent.
Last Word
Bouncers and security...a number of football and cricket stars will be present, many of which are known to get a bit boisterous when on the grog. Please don't bring out the plastic handcuffs, unless absolutely necessary. Mind you, it would make bloody good television and provide plenty of fodder for paparazzi attending the gala affair. Celebs, sportsmen... you've been forewarned.
Bert Newton is hosting this year, being seen by the powers that be as a safe bet. Meantime, Bert's son, Matthew, has recently booked himself into rehab, in a step we applaud. Newton Jr played Terry 'Mr Asia' Clark in 'Underbelly: A Tale Of Two Cities'.
Our loyal and worldwide readership is looking forward to the goss following the event, so have a couple of drinks on us, but don't overdo it either. Drink too much... just slip on over to Crown Towers or Crown Metropol. They will be happy to look after you, for a price.
*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited
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Australian Casino News
Australian Sports Entertainment
Global Gaming Directory
Australia's Sin City Sydney Gambling On Vice Exhibition, by Greg Tingle - 29th April 2010
Australia can't get enough of crime, vice and the like, be it on television, on display at expos, or otherwise.
Media Man and Gambling911 have been hitting and phones and pounding the pavement in order to bring you the punter... er, reader, the hottest and freshest gambling, political and vice news found on the planet.
Australia is playing up its "love affair" with gambling and all matter of vice, with a new expo set to hit Sydney come 1st May - Sin City: Crime and Corruption In The 20th Century Sydney.
It's been a few years in the making and media rep Ruth Williams told us its bound to have some attraction to 'Underbelly' fans.
There's sort of expos are nothing new on a global scale, but this one is certain to give Las Vegas' equivalents a run for their money. Most of the items on display were secured by the strong arm of the law whilst on duty.
Former Australian High Court judge Michael Kirby has been weighing in on Australia's interest in crime, gambling, vice et al, and offers some of his thoughts...
Are government attempts to suppress popular desires such as lust, gambling and drug use ever really worth the effort?
Kirby poses these sort of question in his introduction to a book accompanying a new crime and lust fueled exhibition, Sin City, at the Justice & Police Museum.
Sin City celebrates... er, documents... we couldn't help ourselves... crime and corruption in Sydney, focusing on the 1960 to the '90s.
Sin is often in the eye of the beholder, and "the seven deadly sins, and especially lust, gambling and various drugs, are very hard to suppress", Kirby shares.
Kirby ... "it satisfies insatiable demands of their fellow citizens".
Exhibits of lust, gambling, porn a plenty via multimedia, print and more, with Fairfax Media getting in their 2 cents worth via Sydney Morning Herald clippings.
Tim Girling-Butcher is the brainchild of this vice fest. A kiwi (New Zealander), says of Aussie crime in the period "the stories were just staggering".
Gary Sturgess, a founder of the Independent Commission Against Corruption...U.S soldiers, many addicted to heroin, began arriving in their thousands on R&R. They would be searched at the airport where their drugs were taken from them (and sold back to them in the Cross days later).
Colourful and somewhat chequered characters who contributed to the expo via a series of interviews include Karl Bonnette (underworld), Geoff Schuberg (good cop), Roger Rogerson (bad cop), Don Stewart (Royal Commissioner) and Bob Bottom (author).
Gambling and vice super heavyweight and king in his day, Abe Saffron aka 'Mr Sin', is a focus of much discussion.
Media rep Ruth Williams tells us this is the true story of Sydney's 'Underbelly', whilst not dissing the current TV smash hit, noting cross over audience appeal, but firmly advises this expo was a number of years in the making.
Media Man is keen to see if their old mate and neighbour, 'Big' Tim Bristow gets a look in, and who shows up on the mug shot exhibit. MM also thinks the expo may further strengthen the case for an online and offline 'Underbelly' themed slot game, and maybe the same for the late, great Kerry Packer and 'Earthquake' Bristow. PartyGaming, WMS, Virgin and NextGen Gaming, we know your reading this, as are gaming and casino entrepreneurs the world over.
Sin City hits the Justice & Police Museum on May 1. Check out the impressive websites, currently being updates with more vice, at
Meantime, TV's 'Underbelly' is in line for a number of awards coming up live from James Packer owned Crown Casino this Sunday night, broadcast on Network Nine Australia from 7.30pm. Gambling911 and Media Man will be probing the affair in a way only they can do, with an in-house 'Underbelly' twist.
Punters, don't do anything we wouldn't do!
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited
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Media Man and Gambling911 have been hitting and phones and pounding the pavement in order to bring you the punter... er, reader, the hottest and freshest gambling, political and vice news found on the planet.
Australia is playing up its "love affair" with gambling and all matter of vice, with a new expo set to hit Sydney come 1st May - Sin City: Crime and Corruption In The 20th Century Sydney.
It's been a few years in the making and media rep Ruth Williams told us its bound to have some attraction to 'Underbelly' fans.
There's sort of expos are nothing new on a global scale, but this one is certain to give Las Vegas' equivalents a run for their money. Most of the items on display were secured by the strong arm of the law whilst on duty.
Former Australian High Court judge Michael Kirby has been weighing in on Australia's interest in crime, gambling, vice et al, and offers some of his thoughts...
Are government attempts to suppress popular desires such as lust, gambling and drug use ever really worth the effort?
Kirby poses these sort of question in his introduction to a book accompanying a new crime and lust fueled exhibition, Sin City, at the Justice & Police Museum.
Sin City celebrates... er, documents... we couldn't help ourselves... crime and corruption in Sydney, focusing on the 1960 to the '90s.
Sin is often in the eye of the beholder, and "the seven deadly sins, and especially lust, gambling and various drugs, are very hard to suppress", Kirby shares.
Kirby ... "it satisfies insatiable demands of their fellow citizens".
Exhibits of lust, gambling, porn a plenty via multimedia, print and more, with Fairfax Media getting in their 2 cents worth via Sydney Morning Herald clippings.
Tim Girling-Butcher is the brainchild of this vice fest. A kiwi (New Zealander), says of Aussie crime in the period "the stories were just staggering".
Gary Sturgess, a founder of the Independent Commission Against Corruption...U.S soldiers, many addicted to heroin, began arriving in their thousands on R&R. They would be searched at the airport where their drugs were taken from them (and sold back to them in the Cross days later).
Colourful and somewhat chequered characters who contributed to the expo via a series of interviews include Karl Bonnette (underworld), Geoff Schuberg (good cop), Roger Rogerson (bad cop), Don Stewart (Royal Commissioner) and Bob Bottom (author).
Gambling and vice super heavyweight and king in his day, Abe Saffron aka 'Mr Sin', is a focus of much discussion.
Media rep Ruth Williams tells us this is the true story of Sydney's 'Underbelly', whilst not dissing the current TV smash hit, noting cross over audience appeal, but firmly advises this expo was a number of years in the making.
Media Man is keen to see if their old mate and neighbour, 'Big' Tim Bristow gets a look in, and who shows up on the mug shot exhibit. MM also thinks the expo may further strengthen the case for an online and offline 'Underbelly' themed slot game, and maybe the same for the late, great Kerry Packer and 'Earthquake' Bristow. PartyGaming, WMS, Virgin and NextGen Gaming, we know your reading this, as are gaming and casino entrepreneurs the world over.
Sin City hits the Justice & Police Museum on May 1. Check out the impressive websites, currently being updates with more vice, at
Meantime, TV's 'Underbelly' is in line for a number of awards coming up live from James Packer owned Crown Casino this Sunday night, broadcast on Network Nine Australia from 7.30pm. Gambling911 and Media Man will be probing the affair in a way only they can do, with an in-house 'Underbelly' twist.
Punters, don't do anything we wouldn't do!
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited
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Singapore's Marina Bay Sands May Give Packers Crown City Of Dreams Run For Money, by Greg Tingle - 29th April 2010
The land based casino wars continue to heat up, and 'Our James'... Australian James Packer is in the thick of the action.
Packer's Star City casino faces increased competition down under in Australia from Sydney's revamped Star City, and now Sands has opened in Singapore, in a move that insiders say will lure whales and dolphins away from Crown's City Of Dreams and Crown Macau, but don't underestimate the loyalty to Packer. Many have bet against the Aussie - Asia Pacific casino king before and lost. Media Man and Gambling911 with the story...
The Marina Bay Sands in Singapore is one of the biggest and most expensive casinos every built. Having opened its doors two days ago, throwing down the gauntlet... the dust is just starting to settle. Insiders say James Packer is at the top of the list of other operators who need to stay on guard and answer the challenge.
The US based gambling monster Las Vegas Sands constructed the complex, understood to have a price tag of $US5.5 billion (AUD$5.9 billion), on Singapore's prime waterfront. Eventually it will sport some 2500 hotel rooms and suites, but how many will be used, and by whom, remain questions front of mind.
Like many modern day casinos, they are incorporating more entertainment themes and amenities, getting away from being a pure gambling den. Try your luck on the cleo and monopoly slots, Wheel Of Fortune and table games, then head on over to the theme parks and concert stages. Stage left, stage right.
CEO of Marina Bay Sands, Thomas Arasi, says look forward to the opening of 963 hotel rooms, part of a shopping mall and convention centre, celeb chef restaurants, dining outlets and no doubt a few other surprises.
The powers that be are rolling out the finishing touches in phases.
Phase 2 includes the Sands SkyPark on the rooftop, Event Plaza along Marina Bay, a retail plaza and additional dining amenities. Can't wait for the 60-seat restaurant spearheaded by chef master Tetsuya Wakuda. Mark your calenders for 23rd June.
The project is owned by worlds leading casino tycoon Steve Wynn, the brains and money behind the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas as well as developing the Cotai Strip and Venetian Resort in Macau.
Marina Bay Sands, the second casino in Singapore, following the Sentosa Island project, will be run by a former Crown executive, Mr Andrew McDonald, who has also represented Malaysian developer Genting and who has the experience and apparent connections to lure gamblers (whales and dolphins on the radar) away from Packer's Crown. Just play nice McDonald, or bad fortune and 'Underbelly' themes may get written into the script. We think the region is big enough for all to do well, even prosper, so lets keep it friendly competition, with emphasis on the "friendly".
A Media Man birdie reckons the new casino is surely targeting the same patrons as Crown Melbourne, some understood to also frequent Crown Macau. Cast the rods far and wide boys... you don't know what you'll catch on the other end! Primarily Oriental high rolling VIP's plus. Singapore is home to one or two of the whales.
Singapore enjoys its status as a financial and private banking icon and this is just another measuring stick whales and dolphins are understood to take into consideration.
Packer connected Crown is well aware of the threat from Singapore dragon by throwing some $212 million into further upgrading its VIP facilities to appeal to high-rollers. Excuse me sir, jot that down... Mr Packer and Billionaire Inc want your business. Can we offer you some lucky money, and perhaps some lady company for you're pleasant stay with us? A Media Man insider whispered, "I think some new games are going to be released... catch a fishy and catch a pussy slot, or something. James Bond would be proud of what these Crown boys are coming up with to help counter ... and count her!"
It plans to extend the casino's Mahogany Room by 50 per cent and build a new exclusive gambling club containing private suites.
Singapore, with its two super casinos, is unlikely to overtake Macau, says our spies, but may steal or at least borrows high-rollers from China as operators shift premium business to the city-state, taking advantage of an effective tax rate of 12% compared with roughly 39% in the Chinese territory.
Neighbouring Malaysia's sole casino, run by Genting Singapore's parent, Genting Bhd is also tipped to lose some business to Singapore's newer casinos with extras plus, for those who can afford the best.
Marina Bay Sands has also teamed up with coach operators to offer 130 daily trips from various Malaysian cities to its kingdom, but make not mistake... whales and a good catch of dolphins on the side, are what this is about. It's about return on investment and the bottom line... oh, and happy customers also.
May all fortunes be showered with good luck and let's keep the "casino war" friendly shall we. Still plenty of fish in the sea (but only so many super sized whales). Happy hunting and good punting.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Casino
Website Network
Media Man
Media Man Australia
Media Man Asia
Casino News Media
Casino Travel Media
Australian Casino News
Australian Casinos
Global Gaming Directory
Packer's Star City casino faces increased competition down under in Australia from Sydney's revamped Star City, and now Sands has opened in Singapore, in a move that insiders say will lure whales and dolphins away from Crown's City Of Dreams and Crown Macau, but don't underestimate the loyalty to Packer. Many have bet against the Aussie - Asia Pacific casino king before and lost. Media Man and Gambling911 with the story...
The Marina Bay Sands in Singapore is one of the biggest and most expensive casinos every built. Having opened its doors two days ago, throwing down the gauntlet... the dust is just starting to settle. Insiders say James Packer is at the top of the list of other operators who need to stay on guard and answer the challenge.
The US based gambling monster Las Vegas Sands constructed the complex, understood to have a price tag of $US5.5 billion (AUD$5.9 billion), on Singapore's prime waterfront. Eventually it will sport some 2500 hotel rooms and suites, but how many will be used, and by whom, remain questions front of mind.
Like many modern day casinos, they are incorporating more entertainment themes and amenities, getting away from being a pure gambling den. Try your luck on the cleo and monopoly slots, Wheel Of Fortune and table games, then head on over to the theme parks and concert stages. Stage left, stage right.
CEO of Marina Bay Sands, Thomas Arasi, says look forward to the opening of 963 hotel rooms, part of a shopping mall and convention centre, celeb chef restaurants, dining outlets and no doubt a few other surprises.
The powers that be are rolling out the finishing touches in phases.
Phase 2 includes the Sands SkyPark on the rooftop, Event Plaza along Marina Bay, a retail plaza and additional dining amenities. Can't wait for the 60-seat restaurant spearheaded by chef master Tetsuya Wakuda. Mark your calenders for 23rd June.
The project is owned by worlds leading casino tycoon Steve Wynn, the brains and money behind the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas as well as developing the Cotai Strip and Venetian Resort in Macau.
Marina Bay Sands, the second casino in Singapore, following the Sentosa Island project, will be run by a former Crown executive, Mr Andrew McDonald, who has also represented Malaysian developer Genting and who has the experience and apparent connections to lure gamblers (whales and dolphins on the radar) away from Packer's Crown. Just play nice McDonald, or bad fortune and 'Underbelly' themes may get written into the script. We think the region is big enough for all to do well, even prosper, so lets keep it friendly competition, with emphasis on the "friendly".
A Media Man birdie reckons the new casino is surely targeting the same patrons as Crown Melbourne, some understood to also frequent Crown Macau. Cast the rods far and wide boys... you don't know what you'll catch on the other end! Primarily Oriental high rolling VIP's plus. Singapore is home to one or two of the whales.
Singapore enjoys its status as a financial and private banking icon and this is just another measuring stick whales and dolphins are understood to take into consideration.
Packer connected Crown is well aware of the threat from Singapore dragon by throwing some $212 million into further upgrading its VIP facilities to appeal to high-rollers. Excuse me sir, jot that down... Mr Packer and Billionaire Inc want your business. Can we offer you some lucky money, and perhaps some lady company for you're pleasant stay with us? A Media Man insider whispered, "I think some new games are going to be released... catch a fishy and catch a pussy slot, or something. James Bond would be proud of what these Crown boys are coming up with to help counter ... and count her!"
It plans to extend the casino's Mahogany Room by 50 per cent and build a new exclusive gambling club containing private suites.
Singapore, with its two super casinos, is unlikely to overtake Macau, says our spies, but may steal or at least borrows high-rollers from China as operators shift premium business to the city-state, taking advantage of an effective tax rate of 12% compared with roughly 39% in the Chinese territory.
Neighbouring Malaysia's sole casino, run by Genting Singapore's parent, Genting Bhd is also tipped to lose some business to Singapore's newer casinos with extras plus, for those who can afford the best.
Marina Bay Sands has also teamed up with coach operators to offer 130 daily trips from various Malaysian cities to its kingdom, but make not mistake... whales and a good catch of dolphins on the side, are what this is about. It's about return on investment and the bottom line... oh, and happy customers also.
May all fortunes be showered with good luck and let's keep the "casino war" friendly shall we. Still plenty of fish in the sea (but only so many super sized whales). Happy hunting and good punting.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Casino
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Media Man Australia
Media Man Asia
Casino News Media
Casino Travel Media
Australian Casino News
Australian Casinos
Global Gaming Directory
28 April 2010
Casino Affiliate Programs Dirty Little Secrets Vol 2, by Greg Tingle - 28th April 2010
Insiders, punters, media and online casino entrepreneurs, journos and everyone else...
The Media Man and Gambling911 expose of the casino affiliate and affiliate program industry was so well received, and in some cases, highly debated, we're giving you a dose of seconds. We think its healthy to discuss the industry and the issues, even though its sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. Fact is, many affiliate programs totally such and are a complete waste of time. Of course, Media Man and Gambling911 would only concern themselves with good ones. The internet is a very big place and its basically impossible to know every single good one or bad one, but we will endeavour to share some of our experiences with you none the less.
The casino affiliate sector, and affiliate sector as a whole, is riddled with bad apples, dodgy companies and individuals a plenty.
Many of the firms are not financially solid to say the least.
We are of the belief that by sticking to big, strong, respected brands and entities can help everyone minimize risk, and thus have a more enjoyable experience.
Not to give a total beat up on the sector, let's swing into championing some brands and companies we can recommended, and know of good experiences...
PartyGaming - PartyCasino - PartyPoker - World Poker Tour -
Virgin Games Affiliates - Virgin Casino - Virgin Poker - Virgin Bingo
Captain Cooks Casino - Rewards Affiliates
Betfair - DGM
PKR - PKR Affiliates
Second Life - LinkShare
Others: Playboy, Penthouse, Ring Divas and WWE (via Commission Junction), plus UFC Shop (via Commission Junction)
*This is not a full list by any means
The reach and power of Gambling911 and Media Man is such, that our last article caused a few ripples in the industry.
Keep in mind that Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company, working across and covering a dozen or so industries, and we participate in just a handful of affiliate programs, having learnt to be very mindful of who and what we associate our name and brands with over the years.
As a result of our coverage, some affiliate companies and casino brands with their own programs went into damage control, and started blogging their own point of view, and well as pitching PR spin job press releases of sorts into the public domain.
Much of the world is in financially challenging times, and this no doubt has a flow on effect to the affiliate industry. It can also lead to folks after a quick buck, with little or no regard for quality.
Legal and banking related issues can also have a major impact on brands, and the affiliate marketers.
Recently an Australia "payment processor" got himself into trouble with the law (and some of the online gaming companies he was dealing with), on a trip to Las Vegas of all places. The gaming firms, pissed off at the operator and his outfit, called the U.S authorities, and that fellow is now looking at potentially life behind bars!
Granted, that was an extreme example, but we need to emphasise how important the legal and financial processing and payment systems are to the sector. If you have budget to engage a legal eagle / solicitor who is savvy in marketing (online and offline law, and better yet, affiliate law), it could be money well spent, and save you money and stress in the long run.
Do your own research and be on the lookout for brands and individuals whose names come up in the wrong way in relation to credit card processors, fraud and the like.
There are many of flow on effects in the sector, so if a website, brand or punter gets it right... makes the right decisions at the beginning states, that can have positive flow on effects, rather than leave a trail of carnage.
Poker affiliates, we think best to stay pretty clear from companies known to have employed "bots" - "robots", and if they have used them, why, and was it legal?
Check out the wording in affiliate contracts. Some are darn right predatory, and that's being kind. Ok, some are totally *hithouse and insulting.
If or when your come across good firms, and have good experiences with affiliates, we think its a good idea to nurture those relationships. It may make business more fun, and possible, more profitable. After all, no one wants headaches, business or otherwise.
In addition, the top sections of high ranking websites are prime real estate. Website owners and publishers obviously want to have only the best in these premium positions. Sometimes simple and effective terms of business can be written up between parties, and this way both entities have the agreement in writing (even if one of them decides to break it)... hello Grand Prive and "Lucky Ace Platinum Affiliates"... the industry has a long memory.
Some industry awards also have merit. PartyGaming and Virgin Games have both won a number of awards from various industry bodies, publishers and the like. Media Man has recently been very impressed with Rewards Affiliates - Captain Cooks Casino, PKR - PKR Affiliates, and DGM Affiliates, but that's just our own recent experiences. EGaming Review aka EGR awards carry a lot of credibility, so we believe, and there's merit in some other groups like GPWA and CAP, but we think EGR is the one to pay more attention to. For the poker sector, Poker News Daily is a great resource of information, even though it covers the poker sector as a whole. Best bet is to check out information from a wide away of difference sources, than draw your own conclusions.
In practical terms, do your research and minimize risks.
Check out some good old fashioned client references and testimonials to help ensure you're dealing with good guys.
Affiliate marketing forums and "watchdog" sites can also be helpful, but be mindful or who is saying what, and why. Some forums have "plants" and "spies" lurking in them, in their constant attempts to try to keep what's left of their name and business. Brands and companies that are really good don't need to lurk day and night in affiliate forums, so keep that in mind.
Readers, check out the official websites of Media Man and Gambling911, and needless to say, brands enjoying prominence are likely to be very good and ethical companies.
We're aware that there's many more elements we could go into here, however they will have to wait for another follow up investigation.
Keep it fun and may all of your affiliate experiences be good ones (even though the odds are against it). Now, check out the front pages Gambling911 and Media Man, and make note of what brands are showcased and who is not... there's likely good reasons for it. Happy web surfing.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen business sectors they cover
*Media Man affiliate brand of the month: PartyPartners, 2nd place Virgin Games, 3rd place Rewards Affiliates, 4th place PKR Affiliates
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Media Man
Media Man Australia
Media Man Canada
Casino News Media
Australian Casino News
Poker News Media
Global Gaming Directory
The Media Man and Gambling911 expose of the casino affiliate and affiliate program industry was so well received, and in some cases, highly debated, we're giving you a dose of seconds. We think its healthy to discuss the industry and the issues, even though its sometimes a bitter pill to swallow. Fact is, many affiliate programs totally such and are a complete waste of time. Of course, Media Man and Gambling911 would only concern themselves with good ones. The internet is a very big place and its basically impossible to know every single good one or bad one, but we will endeavour to share some of our experiences with you none the less.
The casino affiliate sector, and affiliate sector as a whole, is riddled with bad apples, dodgy companies and individuals a plenty.
Many of the firms are not financially solid to say the least.
We are of the belief that by sticking to big, strong, respected brands and entities can help everyone minimize risk, and thus have a more enjoyable experience.
Not to give a total beat up on the sector, let's swing into championing some brands and companies we can recommended, and know of good experiences...
PartyGaming - PartyCasino - PartyPoker - World Poker Tour -
Virgin Games Affiliates - Virgin Casino - Virgin Poker - Virgin Bingo
Captain Cooks Casino - Rewards Affiliates
Betfair - DGM
PKR - PKR Affiliates
Second Life - LinkShare
Others: Playboy, Penthouse, Ring Divas and WWE (via Commission Junction), plus UFC Shop (via Commission Junction)
*This is not a full list by any means
The reach and power of Gambling911 and Media Man is such, that our last article caused a few ripples in the industry.
Keep in mind that Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company, working across and covering a dozen or so industries, and we participate in just a handful of affiliate programs, having learnt to be very mindful of who and what we associate our name and brands with over the years.
As a result of our coverage, some affiliate companies and casino brands with their own programs went into damage control, and started blogging their own point of view, and well as pitching PR spin job press releases of sorts into the public domain.
Much of the world is in financially challenging times, and this no doubt has a flow on effect to the affiliate industry. It can also lead to folks after a quick buck, with little or no regard for quality.
Legal and banking related issues can also have a major impact on brands, and the affiliate marketers.
Recently an Australia "payment processor" got himself into trouble with the law (and some of the online gaming companies he was dealing with), on a trip to Las Vegas of all places. The gaming firms, pissed off at the operator and his outfit, called the U.S authorities, and that fellow is now looking at potentially life behind bars!
Granted, that was an extreme example, but we need to emphasise how important the legal and financial processing and payment systems are to the sector. If you have budget to engage a legal eagle / solicitor who is savvy in marketing (online and offline law, and better yet, affiliate law), it could be money well spent, and save you money and stress in the long run.
Do your own research and be on the lookout for brands and individuals whose names come up in the wrong way in relation to credit card processors, fraud and the like.
There are many of flow on effects in the sector, so if a website, brand or punter gets it right... makes the right decisions at the beginning states, that can have positive flow on effects, rather than leave a trail of carnage.
Poker affiliates, we think best to stay pretty clear from companies known to have employed "bots" - "robots", and if they have used them, why, and was it legal?
Check out the wording in affiliate contracts. Some are darn right predatory, and that's being kind. Ok, some are totally *hithouse and insulting.
If or when your come across good firms, and have good experiences with affiliates, we think its a good idea to nurture those relationships. It may make business more fun, and possible, more profitable. After all, no one wants headaches, business or otherwise.
In addition, the top sections of high ranking websites are prime real estate. Website owners and publishers obviously want to have only the best in these premium positions. Sometimes simple and effective terms of business can be written up between parties, and this way both entities have the agreement in writing (even if one of them decides to break it)... hello Grand Prive and "Lucky Ace Platinum Affiliates"... the industry has a long memory.
Some industry awards also have merit. PartyGaming and Virgin Games have both won a number of awards from various industry bodies, publishers and the like. Media Man has recently been very impressed with Rewards Affiliates - Captain Cooks Casino, PKR - PKR Affiliates, and DGM Affiliates, but that's just our own recent experiences. EGaming Review aka EGR awards carry a lot of credibility, so we believe, and there's merit in some other groups like GPWA and CAP, but we think EGR is the one to pay more attention to. For the poker sector, Poker News Daily is a great resource of information, even though it covers the poker sector as a whole. Best bet is to check out information from a wide away of difference sources, than draw your own conclusions.
In practical terms, do your research and minimize risks.
Check out some good old fashioned client references and testimonials to help ensure you're dealing with good guys.
Affiliate marketing forums and "watchdog" sites can also be helpful, but be mindful or who is saying what, and why. Some forums have "plants" and "spies" lurking in them, in their constant attempts to try to keep what's left of their name and business. Brands and companies that are really good don't need to lurk day and night in affiliate forums, so keep that in mind.
Readers, check out the official websites of Media Man and Gambling911, and needless to say, brands enjoying prominence are likely to be very good and ethical companies.
We're aware that there's many more elements we could go into here, however they will have to wait for another follow up investigation.
Keep it fun and may all of your affiliate experiences be good ones (even though the odds are against it). Now, check out the front pages Gambling911 and Media Man, and make note of what brands are showcased and who is not... there's likely good reasons for it. Happy web surfing.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen business sectors they cover
*Media Man affiliate brand of the month: PartyPartners, 2nd place Virgin Games, 3rd place Rewards Affiliates, 4th place PKR Affiliates
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Global Gaming Directory
PartyPoker News: Drive The Dream - Win An Aston Martin DB9 Coupe For Free At PartyPoker
Gibraltar – 27th April 2010 - One lucky poker player could win a brand new Aston Martin DB9 Coupe for FREE at thanks to its new ‘Drive the Dream’ promotion. To win the dream car you don’t have to go on an international spying mission or play heads-up with an international criminal mastermind ‘Casino Royale’ style – all you have to do is log on to and take part in the ‘Drive the Dream’ promotion!
A spokesman said: "It is simple to get involved, just join the daily freerolls, qualifying through to the monthly satellites where you can win your seat to the live final in London! This is well and truly the opportunity of a lifetime – the possibility of winning an Aston Martin DB9 Coupe for free!"
The freerolls take place EVERY DAY from Tuesday April 27th and run until Sunday September 12th. The lucky winners from the main satellites that are held every second Sunday of the month at 14.00 ET then have the opportunity of a lifetime to play for the car in a live tournament in London on the weekend of October 2nd. will fly those that make the final table to London to play a nine handed table for the Aston Martin DB9 Coupe! It is not a case of winner takes all, however, as all nine players who have made it to London all win fantastic prizes!
The prizes for the live final table in London are as follows:
1st - 2010 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe
2nd - Lamborghini Extreme Driving Academy Package
3rd - Ferrari Driving Experience Package
4th - Porsche Sport Driving School Package
5th - F1 Grand Prix Brazil Package (Sao Paulo)
6th - F1 Grand Prix Santander D'Italia Package (Monza)
7th - US$4,000 Cash
8th - US$3,000 Cash
9th - US$2,000 cash
As you can see from these fantastic prizes the opportunity to ‘Drive the Dream’ is not merely the chance to win the Aston Martin DB9 Coupe. Second place gets a Lamborghini Extreme Driving Package, third place sees a serious ride in a Ferrari and fourth is a Porsche Sport Driving School Package. Fifth and sixth win chances to watch F1 in the most exotic places around the world.
For more information see:
That’s not all - there is also hard cash to be won through the qualifiers: see for more information on the structure. ambassador and WPT presenter Mike Sexton is excited about the promotion. “A couple of years ago I challenged Paris Hilton to play heads-up for a Bentley but my offer wasn’t accepted – maybe she’d play for an Aston Martin instead? The chance of winning an Aston Martin DB9 Coupe for absolutely nothing is quite some freeroll!”
**The marks ‘Aston Martin,’ ‘Aston Martin DB’ and ‘DB9’ are registered trademarks of Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. This promotion is in no way affiliated with or sanctioned by Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. PartyGaming is not licensed by, or otherwise affiliated with, Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd, or any member of its group. No licence, affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement by Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd is claimed or should be inferred.**
Website Network
Global Gaming Directory
Media Man
Media Man Poker
Poker News Media
Casino News Media
Gibraltar – 27th April 2010 - One lucky poker player could win a brand new Aston Martin DB9 Coupe for FREE at thanks to its new ‘Drive the Dream’ promotion. To win the dream car you don’t have to go on an international spying mission or play heads-up with an international criminal mastermind ‘Casino Royale’ style – all you have to do is log on to and take part in the ‘Drive the Dream’ promotion!
A spokesman said: "It is simple to get involved, just join the daily freerolls, qualifying through to the monthly satellites where you can win your seat to the live final in London! This is well and truly the opportunity of a lifetime – the possibility of winning an Aston Martin DB9 Coupe for free!"
The freerolls take place EVERY DAY from Tuesday April 27th and run until Sunday September 12th. The lucky winners from the main satellites that are held every second Sunday of the month at 14.00 ET then have the opportunity of a lifetime to play for the car in a live tournament in London on the weekend of October 2nd. will fly those that make the final table to London to play a nine handed table for the Aston Martin DB9 Coupe! It is not a case of winner takes all, however, as all nine players who have made it to London all win fantastic prizes!
The prizes for the live final table in London are as follows:
1st - 2010 Aston Martin DB9 Coupe
2nd - Lamborghini Extreme Driving Academy Package
3rd - Ferrari Driving Experience Package
4th - Porsche Sport Driving School Package
5th - F1 Grand Prix Brazil Package (Sao Paulo)
6th - F1 Grand Prix Santander D'Italia Package (Monza)
7th - US$4,000 Cash
8th - US$3,000 Cash
9th - US$2,000 cash
As you can see from these fantastic prizes the opportunity to ‘Drive the Dream’ is not merely the chance to win the Aston Martin DB9 Coupe. Second place gets a Lamborghini Extreme Driving Package, third place sees a serious ride in a Ferrari and fourth is a Porsche Sport Driving School Package. Fifth and sixth win chances to watch F1 in the most exotic places around the world.
For more information see:
That’s not all - there is also hard cash to be won through the qualifiers: see for more information on the structure. ambassador and WPT presenter Mike Sexton is excited about the promotion. “A couple of years ago I challenged Paris Hilton to play heads-up for a Bentley but my offer wasn’t accepted – maybe she’d play for an Aston Martin instead? The chance of winning an Aston Martin DB9 Coupe for absolutely nothing is quite some freeroll!”
**The marks ‘Aston Martin,’ ‘Aston Martin DB’ and ‘DB9’ are registered trademarks of Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. This promotion is in no way affiliated with or sanctioned by Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd. PartyGaming is not licensed by, or otherwise affiliated with, Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd, or any member of its group. No licence, affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement by Aston Martin Lagonda Ltd is claimed or should be inferred.**
Website Network
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Media Man
Media Man Poker
Poker News Media
Casino News Media
Aussie Rednecks Jailed For Casino Attack On Aborigines - 28th April 2010
Australian casinos remain in the news, unfortunately sometimes for the wrong reasons.
Media Man and Gambling911 take racism and violence seriously, as loyal readers would be well aware.
A big night at the local casino, a few too many beers, and a chance encounter (so it seems), with a group of Aussie Indigenous leads to carnage and another chapter to Australia's shame.
We send our sniffer dogs, Bluey and Timmy, under the watchful eye of rabid PR guy, Miller Markson, back from special assignment in Macau, and we bring home a few bones, a bit of bacon and fried chicken on the side. It's a Aussie tale of 'Underbelly' regional Aussie style, violence, guts, and ultimately, justice! It's not 'Australia The Movie' or acclaimed film, 'Black and White'... its a reflection of current times maties.
The nasty bashing death of an Indigenous - Aboriginal fellow in 'The Alice' Alice Springs was influenced by racism, a judge has determined.
Chief Justice Brian Martin last week jailed five Aussie white men (aka Aussie Redneck Bastards) over the death, saying their actions had caused "deep and acute divisions in the community of Alice Springs".
"A life has been taken needlessly ... and leaves a legacy of grief, anger and distress," he told the Northern Territory Supreme Court in 'The Alice'.
Chief Justice Martin told the court it was a tragedy that a few seconds of "drunken, aggressive and violent behaviour" had resulted in the incarceration of five young men of "otherwise good character".
"For them, their families and friends, life also seems bleak," he said.
You want names? Introducing front and centre... Anton Kloeden, 23, Glen Swain, 24, Scott Doody, 24, Joshua Spears, 19, and Timothy Hird, 22, all hailing from central Australia, pleading guilty last week to the manslaughter of Kwementyaye Ryder.
Ryder, a 33-year-old trainee park ranger, had stopped to join a group of Aboriginal folks by the dry Todd River bed in the wee hours of 25th July last year.
The Aussie white men departed the local casino in 'The Alice' in a pack at roughly 6am when they stumbled upon the campers.
The driver, Kloeden, who wasn't drunk, drove his 4x4 along the river bed.
"You created a highly dangerous situation, and it is pure good luck that you did not injure or kill people in that camp," Chief Justice Martin said.
Kloeden also pleaded guilty to recklessly endangering life by driving extremely close to the campsite, one of their swags being ran over.
"I have no doubt that if white people had been camped in the river bed in tents, you would not have set out to harass them," Chief Justice Martin said.
The rednecks left to get more piss and a Colt 45 pistol, understood to contain blank ammunition.
The court heard Hird (not a typo), who triggered the gun towards the camp upon their return, was "being a complete galah".
The campers, fearing for their lives started running away from the five mongrels.
Ryder, also pissed, and threw a beer bottle at the 4x4 as it passed him by near the river.
The white mongrels got out of the car and chased Ryder.
"The deceased fell to the ground where Hird kicked him to the head one time, Swain kicked him twice to the head ... (and) Spears struck the deceased with a bottle," Chief Justice Martin said.
"I am satisfied that there were racial elements in the earlier events and that a tone or atmosphere was set of antagonism towards and harassment of Aboriginal persons that is likely to have influenced the later conduct of all offenders."
The courthouse heard an account that Ryder had a pre-existing aneurysm that burst, a result of the fall or the "cowardly and violent" attack.
Driver Doody, who remained in the 4x4 during the slaughter, was sentenced to four years in the slammer.
His partner in crime, Hird, Kloeden and Spears were sentenced to six years' jail with a non-parole period of four years.
Swain was sentenced to five and a half years' jail with a non-parole period of three and a half years.
No one is blaming the casino (for a nice change)... no media "beat up". It's a case of 5 young men having a big night out, things getting out of control, a chance encounter with a group of Indigenous Australians, and acts of stupidity.
Media Man and Gambling911, and the Miller - Tingle - Costigan pack, Bluey and Timmy, observe that incidents such as these are damaging to the Australian casino, hotel and resort sector and are only going to encourage more people to stay home and remain plugged into the internet. Aussie's have taken a real liking to the web and favorite destinations include PartyCasino where 'The Godfather', Goanna Gold and Cleopatra rule the house, and Captain Cooks Casino, with 'Hitman', 'Bush Telegraph' and 'Tomb Raider' enjoying strong popularity. James Packer, Aussie casino king (of Crown Casino fame), spent time with Indigenous Australians growing up on one of his late fathers cattle stations. We've leaked word to Packer and Billionaire Inc that Aussie's would like to see an 'Underbelly' and 'Ned Kelly' slot game. Russell Crowe, who attended last month's GenerationOne launch, played the recent Robin Hood movie role beautifully, and insiders are keen to see Crowe in a Ned Kelly or Indigenous themed flick. Crowe was the narrator for movie doco hit 'Bra Boys' a few years back, and touched on both indigenous and white tribes, however a Crowe 'wild card' may further help ease any existing tensions between white and black Australia, and possibly the world over.
Captain Cooks Casino
We remind our vast readership to play responsibly, respect life (human and animal), and have fun. Thank you for returning back to Gambling911 like a fine tuned boomerang. Gambling911, often imitated, never duplicated. Media Man and the pack are at the ready to sniff out more of the powerful news real life 'Underbelly' the reader have grown accustom to.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Miller Markson, Bluey and Timmy contributed to this report
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
Website Network
Media Man
Casino News Media
Global Gaming Directory
Australian Casinos
Australian Casino News
Media Man and Gambling911 take racism and violence seriously, as loyal readers would be well aware.
A big night at the local casino, a few too many beers, and a chance encounter (so it seems), with a group of Aussie Indigenous leads to carnage and another chapter to Australia's shame.
We send our sniffer dogs, Bluey and Timmy, under the watchful eye of rabid PR guy, Miller Markson, back from special assignment in Macau, and we bring home a few bones, a bit of bacon and fried chicken on the side. It's a Aussie tale of 'Underbelly' regional Aussie style, violence, guts, and ultimately, justice! It's not 'Australia The Movie' or acclaimed film, 'Black and White'... its a reflection of current times maties.
The nasty bashing death of an Indigenous - Aboriginal fellow in 'The Alice' Alice Springs was influenced by racism, a judge has determined.
Chief Justice Brian Martin last week jailed five Aussie white men (aka Aussie Redneck Bastards) over the death, saying their actions had caused "deep and acute divisions in the community of Alice Springs".
"A life has been taken needlessly ... and leaves a legacy of grief, anger and distress," he told the Northern Territory Supreme Court in 'The Alice'.
Chief Justice Martin told the court it was a tragedy that a few seconds of "drunken, aggressive and violent behaviour" had resulted in the incarceration of five young men of "otherwise good character".
"For them, their families and friends, life also seems bleak," he said.
You want names? Introducing front and centre... Anton Kloeden, 23, Glen Swain, 24, Scott Doody, 24, Joshua Spears, 19, and Timothy Hird, 22, all hailing from central Australia, pleading guilty last week to the manslaughter of Kwementyaye Ryder.
Ryder, a 33-year-old trainee park ranger, had stopped to join a group of Aboriginal folks by the dry Todd River bed in the wee hours of 25th July last year.
The Aussie white men departed the local casino in 'The Alice' in a pack at roughly 6am when they stumbled upon the campers.
The driver, Kloeden, who wasn't drunk, drove his 4x4 along the river bed.
"You created a highly dangerous situation, and it is pure good luck that you did not injure or kill people in that camp," Chief Justice Martin said.
Kloeden also pleaded guilty to recklessly endangering life by driving extremely close to the campsite, one of their swags being ran over.
"I have no doubt that if white people had been camped in the river bed in tents, you would not have set out to harass them," Chief Justice Martin said.
The rednecks left to get more piss and a Colt 45 pistol, understood to contain blank ammunition.
The court heard Hird (not a typo), who triggered the gun towards the camp upon their return, was "being a complete galah".
The campers, fearing for their lives started running away from the five mongrels.
Ryder, also pissed, and threw a beer bottle at the 4x4 as it passed him by near the river.
The white mongrels got out of the car and chased Ryder.
"The deceased fell to the ground where Hird kicked him to the head one time, Swain kicked him twice to the head ... (and) Spears struck the deceased with a bottle," Chief Justice Martin said.
"I am satisfied that there were racial elements in the earlier events and that a tone or atmosphere was set of antagonism towards and harassment of Aboriginal persons that is likely to have influenced the later conduct of all offenders."
The courthouse heard an account that Ryder had a pre-existing aneurysm that burst, a result of the fall or the "cowardly and violent" attack.
Driver Doody, who remained in the 4x4 during the slaughter, was sentenced to four years in the slammer.
His partner in crime, Hird, Kloeden and Spears were sentenced to six years' jail with a non-parole period of four years.
Swain was sentenced to five and a half years' jail with a non-parole period of three and a half years.
No one is blaming the casino (for a nice change)... no media "beat up". It's a case of 5 young men having a big night out, things getting out of control, a chance encounter with a group of Indigenous Australians, and acts of stupidity.
Media Man and Gambling911, and the Miller - Tingle - Costigan pack, Bluey and Timmy, observe that incidents such as these are damaging to the Australian casino, hotel and resort sector and are only going to encourage more people to stay home and remain plugged into the internet. Aussie's have taken a real liking to the web and favorite destinations include PartyCasino where 'The Godfather', Goanna Gold and Cleopatra rule the house, and Captain Cooks Casino, with 'Hitman', 'Bush Telegraph' and 'Tomb Raider' enjoying strong popularity. James Packer, Aussie casino king (of Crown Casino fame), spent time with Indigenous Australians growing up on one of his late fathers cattle stations. We've leaked word to Packer and Billionaire Inc that Aussie's would like to see an 'Underbelly' and 'Ned Kelly' slot game. Russell Crowe, who attended last month's GenerationOne launch, played the recent Robin Hood movie role beautifully, and insiders are keen to see Crowe in a Ned Kelly or Indigenous themed flick. Crowe was the narrator for movie doco hit 'Bra Boys' a few years back, and touched on both indigenous and white tribes, however a Crowe 'wild card' may further help ease any existing tensions between white and black Australia, and possibly the world over.
Captain Cooks Casino
We remind our vast readership to play responsibly, respect life (human and animal), and have fun. Thank you for returning back to Gambling911 like a fine tuned boomerang. Gambling911, often imitated, never duplicated. Media Man and the pack are at the ready to sniff out more of the powerful news real life 'Underbelly' the reader have grown accustom to.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Miller Markson, Bluey and Timmy contributed to this report
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
Website Network
Media Man
Casino News Media
Global Gaming Directory
Australian Casinos
Australian Casino News
27 April 2010
Australia's Burswood Casino Getting Back To Normal Post Bouncer Attack, by Greg Tingle - 28th April 2010
Things are returning to normal at Western Australia's Burswood Casino, and for one of the security team, after a court heard of their security staff ("bouncer") put the hurt on a patron.
Media Man and Gambling911 continue to hammer home the point that we need less Aussie biffo at Australian casinos. Assaults such as this are hurting the bottom line of bricks and mortar casinos and quite likely help further boost the popularity of online casinos servicing Australian customers. It's also not a good look for the casino in question. Chalk up another one for the Australian Casino Attacks file...
A Crown Limited Burswood Casino "bouncer" caused an ejected patron excruciating pain by yanking his broken arm apparently –thinking he had a dislocated shoulder, a court was told.
The bouncer, a Mr Harry Ronnie Timoti was convicted and fined just $450 for common assault in Perth Magistrates Court over the incident that happened in July, 2008. Gambling911 understands there's been numerous, likely dozens, more assaults at the casino since then, but none of which were instigated by the staff.
Police prosecutor Morgan argued to the court that it was a serious offence that commanded a jail sentence.
"I do not accept for one minute that he could not see that this person was in pain," he emphasized.
"Security people should be able to control themselves – I am thinking he should be going to jail."
The court heard the patron became involved in a scuffle and was thrown out by casino security officers.
He was outside the casino when Mr Timoti noticed him holding his arm, which he concluded was dislocated at the shoulder.
He attempted to manoeuvre the limb into position, unknown to bouncer the patron was in agony with a broken arm.
Defence lawyer John Prior said his client was an ex-rugby football player and was familiar with injuries such as dislocated shoulders that he had popped back into place on-field, no less!
He went on to say Timoti has been employed as a bouncer at Crown Limited owned Burswood since the incident, and he would lose his job if a fine exceeded $500.
"It was a one-off and a stupid act," Mr Prior admitted.
"But he was attempting to help the man, not hurt him having done that sort of activity on the rugby field."
Timoti has been enjoying Australian life, over from New Zealand, since 2003 and most of his work had been in crowd control, including in the liquor and hospitality industry.
Mr Prior said his client had no previous convictions from working in the industry.
Gambling911 and Media Man are hopeful that lessons have been learned from this report.
No plastic handcuffs were required.
Burswood's 'Big Brother' casino, James Packer owned Crown Casino in Melbourne, will be host to the 2010 Logie Awards on Sunday 2nd May.
'Underbelly', which frequently features gambling (illegal dens in most cases), is up for a bush tucker bag full of awards.
Asher Keddie (Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities), broadcast on Network Nine is up for
the Outstanding Actress award. 'Underbelly' is also up for the Most Popular Drama award. Anna Hutchison, Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities is nominated for the Graham Kennedy Award for Outstanding New Talent.
Last Word
Bouncers and security... try to leave the rough stuff to TV smash hit 'Underbelly'. Casino fans might be able to look forward to an 'Underbelly' themed online and offline slot game soon, but its just a rumor at this stage. At least PartyGaming - PartyCasino offers 'The Godfather' and Microgaming - Captain Cooks 'Hitman'. Loyal readers, no rough stuff please and keep it fun.
*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited
Website Network
Media Man
Media Man Australia
Casino News Media
Australian Casino News
Global Gaming Directory
Media Man and Gambling911 continue to hammer home the point that we need less Aussie biffo at Australian casinos. Assaults such as this are hurting the bottom line of bricks and mortar casinos and quite likely help further boost the popularity of online casinos servicing Australian customers. It's also not a good look for the casino in question. Chalk up another one for the Australian Casino Attacks file...
A Crown Limited Burswood Casino "bouncer" caused an ejected patron excruciating pain by yanking his broken arm apparently –thinking he had a dislocated shoulder, a court was told.
The bouncer, a Mr Harry Ronnie Timoti was convicted and fined just $450 for common assault in Perth Magistrates Court over the incident that happened in July, 2008. Gambling911 understands there's been numerous, likely dozens, more assaults at the casino since then, but none of which were instigated by the staff.
Police prosecutor Morgan argued to the court that it was a serious offence that commanded a jail sentence.
"I do not accept for one minute that he could not see that this person was in pain," he emphasized.
"Security people should be able to control themselves – I am thinking he should be going to jail."
The court heard the patron became involved in a scuffle and was thrown out by casino security officers.
He was outside the casino when Mr Timoti noticed him holding his arm, which he concluded was dislocated at the shoulder.
He attempted to manoeuvre the limb into position, unknown to bouncer the patron was in agony with a broken arm.
Defence lawyer John Prior said his client was an ex-rugby football player and was familiar with injuries such as dislocated shoulders that he had popped back into place on-field, no less!
He went on to say Timoti has been employed as a bouncer at Crown Limited owned Burswood since the incident, and he would lose his job if a fine exceeded $500.
"It was a one-off and a stupid act," Mr Prior admitted.
"But he was attempting to help the man, not hurt him having done that sort of activity on the rugby field."
Timoti has been enjoying Australian life, over from New Zealand, since 2003 and most of his work had been in crowd control, including in the liquor and hospitality industry.
Mr Prior said his client had no previous convictions from working in the industry.
Gambling911 and Media Man are hopeful that lessons have been learned from this report.
No plastic handcuffs were required.
Burswood's 'Big Brother' casino, James Packer owned Crown Casino in Melbourne, will be host to the 2010 Logie Awards on Sunday 2nd May.
'Underbelly', which frequently features gambling (illegal dens in most cases), is up for a bush tucker bag full of awards.
Asher Keddie (Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities), broadcast on Network Nine is up for
the Outstanding Actress award. 'Underbelly' is also up for the Most Popular Drama award. Anna Hutchison, Underbelly: A Tale of Two Cities is nominated for the Graham Kennedy Award for Outstanding New Talent.
Last Word
Bouncers and security... try to leave the rough stuff to TV smash hit 'Underbelly'. Casino fans might be able to look forward to an 'Underbelly' themed online and offline slot game soon, but its just a rumor at this stage. At least PartyGaming - PartyCasino offers 'The Godfather' and Microgaming - Captain Cooks 'Hitman'. Loyal readers, no rough stuff please and keep it fun.
*The writer is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company
*The writer owns shares in Crown Limited
Website Network
Media Man
Media Man Australia
Casino News Media
Australian Casino News
Global Gaming Directory
Australian Casino Employees May Get Probed Says Campaigner, by Greg Tingle - 27th April 2010
Probing of Aussie casino employees hey... sounds a bit sinister...the sort of thing you might except on TV smash hits 'Underbelly', 'Sea Patrol', 'V' and 'Border Patrol'.
Media Man and Gambling911 take their probe to the latest to borrow our expressions. No imitators will be tolerated, Gambling911... often imitated, never duplicated... recent example being our massive story on Australian Internet Devices... we know who you are, and you're next to be probed...
Probing aka questioning prospective casino workers about their gambling habits and the like would be "discriminatory", an informer leaks.
The revelations come of the back on an inquest involving Adelaide's Skycity Casino.
Job applicants were quizzed if they were members of Skycity's awards program.
At the inquest Ms Bastian was being probed by Senator Nick Xenophon, who successfully campaigned to reopen an inquest into the death of Katherine Natt, a 24-year-old Skycity worker and pokies addict who unfortunately committed suicide in 2006.
Senator Xenophon desired the inquest to hear evidence on what possible assistance the casino could have offered the late Natt.
Coroner Mark Johns agreed to reopen the inquest but reminded Senator Xenophon yesterday he was on watch. "I don't want to get into a general analysis of the problem of gambling," Mr Johns told the senator, who is acting pro bono for Natt's family.
Ms Bastian, who has acted as HR manager at Skycity, said asking applicants about their gambling habits "would be considered discriminatory under industrial relations laws". "We don't say `do you have a gambling problem?' as such," she advised Senator Xenophon.
"If they have a gambling addiction but they come to work and are still able to fulfil their work, I don't see an issue."
Natt left a note apologising for being unable to stop her poker machine habit along with a bank statement showing $6000 had been withdrawn from her credit card account in less than two months.
Ms Bastian said while staff were encouraged to report colleagues with a gambling problem, no mandatory reporting system was in place. "There's only a moral obligation. "We can't monitor what 1000 employees do in their spare time. If a manager was aware of a staff member having a problem, the expectation was that they would action something."
The inquest heard that both a blackjack dealer and the manager of the casino's table games area knew of Natt's gambling problem but failed to report this.
Ms Bastian told the court HR had not had any issues with Natt in her five years at the casino.
"She looked like a model employee," Ms Bastian told the inquest.
Australian casinos (and pubs and hotels) are known to carry extensive signage warning patrons of the potential dangers of gambling, as well as the probability of winning. These public warnings are cited as to part of the reason for the explosive growth of the online casino and online gambling sector as a whole. PartyGaming, PartyCasino, Virgin Games, Captain Cooks, PokerStars, BetUs and Betfair are some of the most trusted and ethical brands. Australia's James Packer is hopeful to see his 50% owned Betfair soon offer Aussies a poker and casino product, but PartyGaming's casino and poker brands currently have a bit of a hold on the Australian online gambling sector. Cleopatra, Sinatra, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Top Gun, Mission: Impossible, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Goanna Gold are some of Australia's most popular online slot. Well informed insiders are leaking to Betfair and Crown Casino to offer a Kerry Packer, Ned Kelly and Underbelly online and offline slot game.
Media Man and Gambling911 remind the readership to know the odds, bet with your head, not over it. For god's sake, just keep it fun. We don't want to have to further probe on this, and would prefer to keep the probe tucked away in the cupboard and only use it in extreme cases. Have fun, good hunting and happy punting.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company.
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Casino News Media
Global Gaming Directory
Poker News Media
Australian Casino News
Media Man and Gambling911 take their probe to the latest to borrow our expressions. No imitators will be tolerated, Gambling911... often imitated, never duplicated... recent example being our massive story on Australian Internet Devices... we know who you are, and you're next to be probed...
Probing aka questioning prospective casino workers about their gambling habits and the like would be "discriminatory", an informer leaks.
The revelations come of the back on an inquest involving Adelaide's Skycity Casino.
Job applicants were quizzed if they were members of Skycity's awards program.
At the inquest Ms Bastian was being probed by Senator Nick Xenophon, who successfully campaigned to reopen an inquest into the death of Katherine Natt, a 24-year-old Skycity worker and pokies addict who unfortunately committed suicide in 2006.
Senator Xenophon desired the inquest to hear evidence on what possible assistance the casino could have offered the late Natt.
Coroner Mark Johns agreed to reopen the inquest but reminded Senator Xenophon yesterday he was on watch. "I don't want to get into a general analysis of the problem of gambling," Mr Johns told the senator, who is acting pro bono for Natt's family.
Ms Bastian, who has acted as HR manager at Skycity, said asking applicants about their gambling habits "would be considered discriminatory under industrial relations laws". "We don't say `do you have a gambling problem?' as such," she advised Senator Xenophon.
"If they have a gambling addiction but they come to work and are still able to fulfil their work, I don't see an issue."
Natt left a note apologising for being unable to stop her poker machine habit along with a bank statement showing $6000 had been withdrawn from her credit card account in less than two months.
Ms Bastian said while staff were encouraged to report colleagues with a gambling problem, no mandatory reporting system was in place. "There's only a moral obligation. "We can't monitor what 1000 employees do in their spare time. If a manager was aware of a staff member having a problem, the expectation was that they would action something."
The inquest heard that both a blackjack dealer and the manager of the casino's table games area knew of Natt's gambling problem but failed to report this.
Ms Bastian told the court HR had not had any issues with Natt in her five years at the casino.
"She looked like a model employee," Ms Bastian told the inquest.
Australian casinos (and pubs and hotels) are known to carry extensive signage warning patrons of the potential dangers of gambling, as well as the probability of winning. These public warnings are cited as to part of the reason for the explosive growth of the online casino and online gambling sector as a whole. PartyGaming, PartyCasino, Virgin Games, Captain Cooks, PokerStars, BetUs and Betfair are some of the most trusted and ethical brands. Australia's James Packer is hopeful to see his 50% owned Betfair soon offer Aussies a poker and casino product, but PartyGaming's casino and poker brands currently have a bit of a hold on the Australian online gambling sector. Cleopatra, Sinatra, Tomb Raider, Hitman, Top Gun, Mission: Impossible, The Incredible Hulk, Thor and Goanna Gold are some of Australia's most popular online slot. Well informed insiders are leaking to Betfair and Crown Casino to offer a Kerry Packer, Ned Kelly and Underbelly online and offline slot game.
Media Man and Gambling911 remind the readership to know the odds, bet with your head, not over it. For god's sake, just keep it fun. We don't want to have to further probe on this, and would prefer to keep the probe tucked away in the cupboard and only use it in extreme cases. Have fun, good hunting and happy punting.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company.
Website Network
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Casino News Media
Global Gaming Directory
Poker News Media
Australian Casino News
Casino News Media - Media Man - Progressives Slots News, by Greg Tingle - 26th April 2010
Media Man, Casino News Media and Gambling911 take a look at the world of online casino slot jackpots. Slots and online slots are of course a game of chance (not skill as such), however they remain some of the world's most popular online games. Punters are known to search far and wide for the most attractive jackpots so in our wisdom we have whipped together a snapshot of the sector for you.
Some of the popular progressive jackpot online slot games that are ready to pay out substantial jackpots are:
Beach Life (Playtech) - Noble Casino, Casino Las Vegas, Casino King (Australian and Canadian players)
MegaJackpots (WagerWorks) - Virgin Casino (no American or Australian players)
Mega Moolah (Microgaming) - Captain Cooks Casino, Golden Tiger Casino (Australian, Canadian and many other countries welcome)
Mega Moolah currently has the largest jackpot, over 2.6 million dollars.
There are four online slot games networked to this progressive jackpot: Mega Moolah, 5 Reel Drive, Summertime and Mega Moolah Isis. The progressive jackpot can be hit playing any one of these and will any bet. The chances of hitting the jackpot are greater for larger amounts wagered.
Mega Moolah has a maximum wager of 125 coins per spin.
There are three smaller jackpots also offered in Mega Moolah.
Beach Life is running is currently sitting on approx 2.6 million. To hit the progressive jackpot on Beach life you need to wager the maximum bet, currently $10.
In Mega Moolah those who wager less than the maximum amount of $6.25 have some chance of getting the jackpot. However in Beach Life those who bet less than $10 per spin will not be eligible for the progressive jackpot.
MegaJackpots is currently running at approx 2.5 million. The WagerWorks network is based in the UK.
Microgaming and Playtech have a bigger customer base (wagering in euros and American dollars) hence MegaJackpots is likely to pay out more on an equated currency basis.
The slot games linked to the MegaJackpots network are Cleopatra, Monopoly with Pass GO Bonus, and Cluedo.
Media Man's current top picks for jackpots is PartyGaming's PartyCasino. Party doesn't currently accept U.S players, but they are working to rectify the situation, having come to business terms with the U.S Government last year, to the tune of $100 million dollars we might add. That's show of financial strength from PartyGaming, not to show up Richard Branson's Virgin Games. Microgaming and Playtech are also understood to be financially solid in standing and have been in business for over a decade. Jackpots: The Big One, Gold Mega Jackpot and Marvel Hero Jackpot and more
Jackpot Totals
The Big One $2,910,829.01
Gold Mega Jackpot $1,882,859.36
Marvel Hero Jackpot $7,119.57
Ca$h Fla$h Jackpot $1,091.72
Progressive Caribbean Poker Jackpot $246,029.77
Jackpot Slots
There’s nothing more thrilling than hitting the big one. That’s why Party jackpot slots are the most exciting games you can play. The more you play, the higher the jackpots climb, so start spinning the reels now for your chance to win a fortune.
All the games are available in real and play money. The amounts are in US dollars but will remain the same if you choose to play in Canadian dollars, pounds or euros.
Enjoy a $500 welcome bonus when you join
Sign up to and take advantage of huge prizes and fantastic casino games with our 500 welcome bonus.
Party's generous welcome bonus gives you 100% extra on your first four deposits, up to $500!
The Treasure Hunt
26th to 29th April
We’ve packed this month’s Treasure Hunt with a wealth of cash gifts, bonuses and free points. What’s more, you won’t even have to look hard to find them!
Just play as normal between the 26th to 29th April and see if the treasure chests appear with a fabulous prize inside for you. Remember, the more you play, the more chances you have of finding great treasures.
PartyCasino Marvel Slots
Virgin Casino
Captain Cooks Casino
Noble Casino
The Big One
Gold Mega Jackpot
Marvel Hero Jackpot
Palladium Lounge
Virgin Casino
Captain Cooks Casino
Website Network
Media Man
Global Gaming Directory
Party Casino News
Marvel Slots Online
Classic Casino Games
Casino News Media
Some of the popular progressive jackpot online slot games that are ready to pay out substantial jackpots are:
Beach Life (Playtech) - Noble Casino, Casino Las Vegas, Casino King (Australian and Canadian players)
MegaJackpots (WagerWorks) - Virgin Casino (no American or Australian players)
Mega Moolah (Microgaming) - Captain Cooks Casino, Golden Tiger Casino (Australian, Canadian and many other countries welcome)
Mega Moolah currently has the largest jackpot, over 2.6 million dollars.
There are four online slot games networked to this progressive jackpot: Mega Moolah, 5 Reel Drive, Summertime and Mega Moolah Isis. The progressive jackpot can be hit playing any one of these and will any bet. The chances of hitting the jackpot are greater for larger amounts wagered.
Mega Moolah has a maximum wager of 125 coins per spin.
There are three smaller jackpots also offered in Mega Moolah.
Beach Life is running is currently sitting on approx 2.6 million. To hit the progressive jackpot on Beach life you need to wager the maximum bet, currently $10.
In Mega Moolah those who wager less than the maximum amount of $6.25 have some chance of getting the jackpot. However in Beach Life those who bet less than $10 per spin will not be eligible for the progressive jackpot.
MegaJackpots is currently running at approx 2.5 million. The WagerWorks network is based in the UK.
Microgaming and Playtech have a bigger customer base (wagering in euros and American dollars) hence MegaJackpots is likely to pay out more on an equated currency basis.
The slot games linked to the MegaJackpots network are Cleopatra, Monopoly with Pass GO Bonus, and Cluedo.
Media Man's current top picks for jackpots is PartyGaming's PartyCasino. Party doesn't currently accept U.S players, but they are working to rectify the situation, having come to business terms with the U.S Government last year, to the tune of $100 million dollars we might add. That's show of financial strength from PartyGaming, not to show up Richard Branson's Virgin Games. Microgaming and Playtech are also understood to be financially solid in standing and have been in business for over a decade. Jackpots: The Big One, Gold Mega Jackpot and Marvel Hero Jackpot and more
Jackpot Totals
The Big One $2,910,829.01
Gold Mega Jackpot $1,882,859.36
Marvel Hero Jackpot $7,119.57
Ca$h Fla$h Jackpot $1,091.72
Progressive Caribbean Poker Jackpot $246,029.77
Jackpot Slots
There’s nothing more thrilling than hitting the big one. That’s why Party jackpot slots are the most exciting games you can play. The more you play, the higher the jackpots climb, so start spinning the reels now for your chance to win a fortune.
All the games are available in real and play money. The amounts are in US dollars but will remain the same if you choose to play in Canadian dollars, pounds or euros.
Enjoy a $500 welcome bonus when you join
Sign up to and take advantage of huge prizes and fantastic casino games with our 500 welcome bonus.
Party's generous welcome bonus gives you 100% extra on your first four deposits, up to $500!
The Treasure Hunt
26th to 29th April
We’ve packed this month’s Treasure Hunt with a wealth of cash gifts, bonuses and free points. What’s more, you won’t even have to look hard to find them!
Just play as normal between the 26th to 29th April and see if the treasure chests appear with a fabulous prize inside for you. Remember, the more you play, the more chances you have of finding great treasures.
PartyCasino Marvel Slots
Virgin Casino
Captain Cooks Casino
Noble Casino
The Big One
Gold Mega Jackpot
Marvel Hero Jackpot
Palladium Lounge
Virgin Casino
Captain Cooks Casino
Website Network
Media Man
Global Gaming Directory
Party Casino News
Marvel Slots Online
Classic Casino Games
Casino News Media
26 April 2010
Australian Gambling Device Or Just Technology, by Greg Tingle - 26th April 2010
As our beloved internet and technology becomes more advanced, increasing questions are being asked about such matters in Australia such as when is a gambling device not a gambling device, but just a computer, and visa versa... you get the idea punters. Internet enabled mobile phones can access gambling and gaming by nature on the web, needless to say internet kiosks and computers sitting at the ready in an internet cafe can do the same, at least in free countries. In the meantime passionate web surfers, journalists and gamblers have started to mask their website surfing via proxy. Media Man and Gambling911 investigate...
Computer Terminals Strategically Place At Aussie Pubs And Hotels...
Manufacturers of a touch-screen computer kiosk offering internet access, which gambling authorities seized from a Melbourne pub as a "suspected illegal betting device", advise they have given up waiting to be potentially prosecuted and are seeking a court to order for the device be returned so they can roll truck loads more!
The situation gives prominence to what could be regarded as a real and practical test of outdated gambling regulations in an internet age. In the meantime the Victorian government, which is preparing to award its updated wagering licence, officials from the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation confiscated the computer from the Rising Sun Hotel in South Melbourne over 6 months ago.
The wagering licence, including exclusive retail rights in pubs, is held by Aussie gaming giant Tabcorp, which complained about the machine in question to authorities last year. The new wagering licence is expected to come into play in 2012.
We learn the device does by design showcase and feature access to gambling (and other industry sectors). VenueNet, understood to be a marketing based group, developed the computer kiosks and has a deal with Sportsbet to provide access to Sportsbet and other services through the device, which it's keen to roll out in Australian pubs, hotels and the like nationwide.
A magistrate is due to hear the case tomorrow but it is uncertain if the hearing will proceed at this stage.
VenueNet's chairman, John Thompson, advises delays in prosecuting the matter had cost his firm millions and he was seriously considering seeking compensation.
Mr Thompson is ready for war it appears, based on his preparation of information. Makers of the hard drive and equipment contained in the kiosk have provided sworn statements stating the machine is no different to other computer kiosks they supply, likes ones found at airports. It allows customers, via the web, to access Sportsbet's website and use a Sportsbet betting account, but the computer terminal itself doesn't accept or record bets.
The Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation lodged an appeal with the Victorian Supreme Court to stop Sportsbet being heard in the magistrates court, as a third party in the case, on legal issues relating to the seizure warrant.
The commission is understood to be seeking access to more material from VenueNet before laying charges.
Smart cookies from Deloittes have examined the machine for the commission to determine how it operates.
The commissioner, Peter Cohen, advised he thinks the machine was illegal. "The (commission) is still of the view that it is an unauthorised instrument of betting," he said.
Mr Thompson said VenueNet was not willing to try the machine in other states until the Victorian case had been determined.
"I think we'd face something like that until this is resolved. Everyone's focusing on this."
iPhone "Gambling" Apps On Aussie Mobiles...
iPhone applications down under feature simulated poker machine games (pokies) were irresponsible and should be outlawed, says passionate anti gambling campaigner Nick Xenophon.
Slot machines applications can be accessed and downloaded for free and are identical in payouts and features to machines in most clubs, pubs and casinos.
The games offer a number of options. One game allows the user to change the interface and use photographs on their iPhone as the jackpot symbols. You can even switch between five and six reels, and alter the success of the payouts from low, medium or `dream'!
"There needs to be a parliamentary inquiry into online gambling laws because otherwise we will see a new wave of problem gamblers as soon as these kids turn 18," Senator Xenophon said.
One application is produced by Big Fish games, based in Seattle, Washington, with offices also in Canada and Ireland. They also sell a downloadable version of the game online.
Australian Web Surfers Learning How To Hide, Mask, Internet Tracks Via Proxy...
Born and trained from a somewhat surprising source of mischief making, Exit International (Euthanasia body), "Hacking Masterclass" has punters keen to learn more. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but these "old dogs" are teaching mums and dads, journalists and passionate gamblers "new tricks", and we thank them for it.
The group is now holding "Hacking Masterclass" seminars around Australia to teach people how they can defy the federal government's proposed internet filter (and in the process obtain suicide information)! Jesus, do we need more gamblers to know about this based on Gambling911 and Media Man reports over the past few months... read on... we know you want to...
Exit International advises its "Hacking Masterclass" will show the elderly and dying how to use proxy servers and virtual networks so they can slip past the filter and find information on "safe suicide".
Word is spreading to the gaming and gambling community of their educational course and we understand they may be expecting a younger, more gaming savvy bush tacker bag of new students next semester. Enrollments are understood to be filling fast.
It was divulged last year that the government plans to block access to certain websites discussing euthanasia and assisted suicide (which is currently illegal in Australia) in addition to websites devoted to pornographic and other illegal activities! Sounds good hey?
The federal government and Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy have been widely criticised for their censorship agenda, by the United States government among others. Last week Media Man tipped off the United Nations, The Elders and Virgin United, and was thanked for the information. By the next day Australian newspapers had reported on the Australian Government changing details of Australian human rights policy and detail, we kid you not!
Exit International brainchild, founder and director, Philip Nitschke advised 100 people had signed up to the first five-and-a-half-hour "Safe Suicide Workshop" to be held in Perth, Western Australia. Follow up workshops have also been conducted in Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, and Brisbane. Canberra gets their education on April 30) and Sydney siders on lucky May 7).
The good doctor Nitschke said the seminars would teach people how to circumvent the proposed internet filter so they could access information designed to end their lives quickly and painlessly.
"It certainly shows how you can go about bypassing the filter using proxy servers or setting up your own virtual network, and we will be going into that. In fact, it's so easy to get around - according to the information we've received - you wonder why the federal government is pursuing it with such vigour. We can only assume it's because they are intending on making a statement, rather than being too concerned about the actual practicalities of the issue."!
Dr Nitschke said among those who had already signed up, only a few were terminally ill.
"These are rational people making rational decisions, and obstacles shouldn't be put in their path ... which is why I think the numbers of people attending these sorts of safe suicide workshops is increasing. Suicide is not a crime in this country."
Dr Nitschke said the Hacking Masterclass was devised after a similar workshop in Sydney on April 1, spearheaded by Newcastle-based internet expert David Campbell.
About 80 seniors, many with laptop computers, attended and learned.
"The class will be in plain language that everyone can understand," Dr Nitschke said.
A spokeswoman for Senator Conroy said contrary to popular belief, euthanasia would not be targeted by the proposed internet filter.
"Discussion about euthanasia is not content that would be deemed refused classification," she said.
Philip Nitschke's book 'The Peaceful Pill' was found to be refused classification
Wrap Up
Punters, there you have it. Fun and games with computer terminals, mobile phone applications and ways to get around the Aussie internet filter, thanks to the good doctor.
Keep up the good fight. We salute Aussie diggers, The Anzacs, who yesterday celebrated and remembered Anzac Day, and we remind readers to stay vigilant as Governments of the world attempt to fight freedom of speech loving citizens and journalists. Be your own super hero (until the Aussie government may try to ban Marvel Entertainment icon Iron-Man), and American friends, keep an eye out for fellow freedom fighter (or hero, or both) 'Captain America'. Punters are reminded that a range of Marvel super hero themed games (free and pay) can be found at good casinos like PartyGaming's PartyCasino, and Virgin Casino, and steps are on the way to see internet casino games become legal in the United States. Most online casinos remain easy to access in both Canada and Australia. Virgin does not currently offer a service to Australians, however their 'A World Of My Own' (AWOMO) may change that in the near future. Still got the Anzac spirit or a bit of fight in you? Captain Cooks Casino offers 'Bomber Girls' and PartyCasino 'Top Gun', 'The Terminator' and 'Mission: Impossible'. Rumors persist of a major game maker developing an online slot game featuring anti censorship themes. NFL, AFL, TNA UFC, Ned Kelly, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Watchmen and The Avengers online slot game whispers also persist. Media Man and Gambling911 say bring it on. James Packer 50% owned Betfair is aiming to soon offer Australians an online casino and online poker service. Australian media and horse racing identity, Alan Jones, continues to snap the whip at the Aussie racing sector calling for unity, as Jones' for one is aware that there's room for improvement in the Australian gaming and racing landscape. The igaming industry continues to move at lighting speed, which is about as quick as the speed of news! Good punting, happy hunting, and don't do anything we wouldn't do. Most importantly, have fun.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen industries covered.
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Computer Terminals Strategically Place At Aussie Pubs And Hotels...
Manufacturers of a touch-screen computer kiosk offering internet access, which gambling authorities seized from a Melbourne pub as a "suspected illegal betting device", advise they have given up waiting to be potentially prosecuted and are seeking a court to order for the device be returned so they can roll truck loads more!
The situation gives prominence to what could be regarded as a real and practical test of outdated gambling regulations in an internet age. In the meantime the Victorian government, which is preparing to award its updated wagering licence, officials from the Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation confiscated the computer from the Rising Sun Hotel in South Melbourne over 6 months ago.
The wagering licence, including exclusive retail rights in pubs, is held by Aussie gaming giant Tabcorp, which complained about the machine in question to authorities last year. The new wagering licence is expected to come into play in 2012.
We learn the device does by design showcase and feature access to gambling (and other industry sectors). VenueNet, understood to be a marketing based group, developed the computer kiosks and has a deal with Sportsbet to provide access to Sportsbet and other services through the device, which it's keen to roll out in Australian pubs, hotels and the like nationwide.
A magistrate is due to hear the case tomorrow but it is uncertain if the hearing will proceed at this stage.
VenueNet's chairman, John Thompson, advises delays in prosecuting the matter had cost his firm millions and he was seriously considering seeking compensation.
Mr Thompson is ready for war it appears, based on his preparation of information. Makers of the hard drive and equipment contained in the kiosk have provided sworn statements stating the machine is no different to other computer kiosks they supply, likes ones found at airports. It allows customers, via the web, to access Sportsbet's website and use a Sportsbet betting account, but the computer terminal itself doesn't accept or record bets.
The Victorian Commission for Gambling Regulation lodged an appeal with the Victorian Supreme Court to stop Sportsbet being heard in the magistrates court, as a third party in the case, on legal issues relating to the seizure warrant.
The commission is understood to be seeking access to more material from VenueNet before laying charges.
Smart cookies from Deloittes have examined the machine for the commission to determine how it operates.
The commissioner, Peter Cohen, advised he thinks the machine was illegal. "The (commission) is still of the view that it is an unauthorised instrument of betting," he said.
Mr Thompson said VenueNet was not willing to try the machine in other states until the Victorian case had been determined.
"I think we'd face something like that until this is resolved. Everyone's focusing on this."
iPhone "Gambling" Apps On Aussie Mobiles...
iPhone applications down under feature simulated poker machine games (pokies) were irresponsible and should be outlawed, says passionate anti gambling campaigner Nick Xenophon.
Slot machines applications can be accessed and downloaded for free and are identical in payouts and features to machines in most clubs, pubs and casinos.
The games offer a number of options. One game allows the user to change the interface and use photographs on their iPhone as the jackpot symbols. You can even switch between five and six reels, and alter the success of the payouts from low, medium or `dream'!
"There needs to be a parliamentary inquiry into online gambling laws because otherwise we will see a new wave of problem gamblers as soon as these kids turn 18," Senator Xenophon said.
One application is produced by Big Fish games, based in Seattle, Washington, with offices also in Canada and Ireland. They also sell a downloadable version of the game online.
Australian Web Surfers Learning How To Hide, Mask, Internet Tracks Via Proxy...
Born and trained from a somewhat surprising source of mischief making, Exit International (Euthanasia body), "Hacking Masterclass" has punters keen to learn more. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but these "old dogs" are teaching mums and dads, journalists and passionate gamblers "new tricks", and we thank them for it.
The group is now holding "Hacking Masterclass" seminars around Australia to teach people how they can defy the federal government's proposed internet filter (and in the process obtain suicide information)! Jesus, do we need more gamblers to know about this based on Gambling911 and Media Man reports over the past few months... read on... we know you want to...
Exit International advises its "Hacking Masterclass" will show the elderly and dying how to use proxy servers and virtual networks so they can slip past the filter and find information on "safe suicide".
Word is spreading to the gaming and gambling community of their educational course and we understand they may be expecting a younger, more gaming savvy bush tacker bag of new students next semester. Enrollments are understood to be filling fast.
It was divulged last year that the government plans to block access to certain websites discussing euthanasia and assisted suicide (which is currently illegal in Australia) in addition to websites devoted to pornographic and other illegal activities! Sounds good hey?
The federal government and Communications Minister Senator Stephen Conroy have been widely criticised for their censorship agenda, by the United States government among others. Last week Media Man tipped off the United Nations, The Elders and Virgin United, and was thanked for the information. By the next day Australian newspapers had reported on the Australian Government changing details of Australian human rights policy and detail, we kid you not!
Exit International brainchild, founder and director, Philip Nitschke advised 100 people had signed up to the first five-and-a-half-hour "Safe Suicide Workshop" to be held in Perth, Western Australia. Follow up workshops have also been conducted in Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide, and Brisbane. Canberra gets their education on April 30) and Sydney siders on lucky May 7).
The good doctor Nitschke said the seminars would teach people how to circumvent the proposed internet filter so they could access information designed to end their lives quickly and painlessly.
"It certainly shows how you can go about bypassing the filter using proxy servers or setting up your own virtual network, and we will be going into that. In fact, it's so easy to get around - according to the information we've received - you wonder why the federal government is pursuing it with such vigour. We can only assume it's because they are intending on making a statement, rather than being too concerned about the actual practicalities of the issue."!
Dr Nitschke said among those who had already signed up, only a few were terminally ill.
"These are rational people making rational decisions, and obstacles shouldn't be put in their path ... which is why I think the numbers of people attending these sorts of safe suicide workshops is increasing. Suicide is not a crime in this country."
Dr Nitschke said the Hacking Masterclass was devised after a similar workshop in Sydney on April 1, spearheaded by Newcastle-based internet expert David Campbell.
About 80 seniors, many with laptop computers, attended and learned.
"The class will be in plain language that everyone can understand," Dr Nitschke said.
A spokeswoman for Senator Conroy said contrary to popular belief, euthanasia would not be targeted by the proposed internet filter.
"Discussion about euthanasia is not content that would be deemed refused classification," she said.
Philip Nitschke's book 'The Peaceful Pill' was found to be refused classification
Wrap Up
Punters, there you have it. Fun and games with computer terminals, mobile phone applications and ways to get around the Aussie internet filter, thanks to the good doctor.
Keep up the good fight. We salute Aussie diggers, The Anzacs, who yesterday celebrated and remembered Anzac Day, and we remind readers to stay vigilant as Governments of the world attempt to fight freedom of speech loving citizens and journalists. Be your own super hero (until the Aussie government may try to ban Marvel Entertainment icon Iron-Man), and American friends, keep an eye out for fellow freedom fighter (or hero, or both) 'Captain America'. Punters are reminded that a range of Marvel super hero themed games (free and pay) can be found at good casinos like PartyGaming's PartyCasino, and Virgin Casino, and steps are on the way to see internet casino games become legal in the United States. Most online casinos remain easy to access in both Canada and Australia. Virgin does not currently offer a service to Australians, however their 'A World Of My Own' (AWOMO) may change that in the near future. Still got the Anzac spirit or a bit of fight in you? Captain Cooks Casino offers 'Bomber Girls' and PartyCasino 'Top Gun', 'The Terminator' and 'Mission: Impossible'. Rumors persist of a major game maker developing an online slot game featuring anti censorship themes. NFL, AFL, TNA UFC, Ned Kelly, Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Watchmen and The Avengers online slot game whispers also persist. Media Man and Gambling911 say bring it on. James Packer 50% owned Betfair is aiming to soon offer Australians an online casino and online poker service. Australian media and horse racing identity, Alan Jones, continues to snap the whip at the Aussie racing sector calling for unity, as Jones' for one is aware that there's room for improvement in the Australian gaming and racing landscape. The igaming industry continues to move at lighting speed, which is about as quick as the speed of news! Good punting, happy hunting, and don't do anything we wouldn't do. Most importantly, have fun.
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen industries covered.
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25 April 2010
PartyCasino Jackpots: The Big One, Gold Mega Jackpot and Marvel Hero Jackpot - 25th April 2010 Jackpots: The Big One, Gold Mega Jackpot and Marvel Hero Jackpot and more
Jackpot Totals
The Big One $2,910,829.01
Gold Mega Jackpot $1,882,859.36
Marvel Hero Jackpot $7,119.57
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Progressive Caribbean Poker Jackpot $246,029.77
Jackpot Slots
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All our games are available in real and play money*. The amounts displayed below are in US dollars but will remain the same if you choose to play in Canadian dollars, pounds or euros.
Enjoy a $500 welcome bonus when you join
Sign up to and take advantage of huge prizes and fantastic casino games with our 500 welcome bonus.
Our generous welcome bonus gives you 100% extra on your first four deposits, up to an account–swelling $500!
The Treasure Hunt
26th to 29th April
We’ve packed this month’s Treasure Hunt with a wealth of cash gifts, bonuses and free points. What’s more, you won’t even have to look hard to find them!
Just play as normal between the 26th to 29th April and see if the treasure chests appear with a fabulous prize inside for you. Remember, the more you play, the more chances you have of finding great treasures.
PartyCasino Marvel Slots
The Big One
Gold Mega Jackpot
Marvel Hero Jackpot
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Jackpot Totals
The Big One $2,910,829.01
Gold Mega Jackpot $1,882,859.36
Marvel Hero Jackpot $7,119.57
Ca$h Fla$h Jackpot $1,091.72
Progressive Caribbean Poker Jackpot $246,029.77
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There’s nothing more thrilling than hitting the big one. That’s why our jackpot slots are the most exciting games you can play. The more you play, the higher the jackpots climb, so start spinning the reels now for your chance to win a fortune.
All our games are available in real and play money*. The amounts displayed below are in US dollars but will remain the same if you choose to play in Canadian dollars, pounds or euros.
Enjoy a $500 welcome bonus when you join
Sign up to and take advantage of huge prizes and fantastic casino games with our 500 welcome bonus.
Our generous welcome bonus gives you 100% extra on your first four deposits, up to an account–swelling $500!
The Treasure Hunt
26th to 29th April
We’ve packed this month’s Treasure Hunt with a wealth of cash gifts, bonuses and free points. What’s more, you won’t even have to look hard to find them!
Just play as normal between the 26th to 29th April and see if the treasure chests appear with a fabulous prize inside for you. Remember, the more you play, the more chances you have of finding great treasures.
PartyCasino Marvel Slots
The Big One
Gold Mega Jackpot
Marvel Hero Jackpot
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Marvel Slots Online
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Anzac Day
Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for their countries. Anzac Day is also observed in the Cook Islands, Niue, Samoa and Tonga.
Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. The acronym ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, whose soldiers were known as Anzacs. Anzac Day remains one of the most important national occasions of both Australia and New Zealand. This is a rare instance of two sovereign countries not only sharing the same remembrance day, but making reference to both countries in its name.
The Gallipoli campaign
When war broke out in 1914, Australia had been a Federal Commonwealth for only thirteen years. In 1915, Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of an Allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula, under a plan by Winston Churchill to open the way to the Black Sea for the Allied navies. The objective was to capture Istanbul, capital of the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany. The ANZAC force landed at Gallipoli on 25 April, meeting fierce resistance from the Turkish Army commanded by Mustafa Kemal (later known as Atatürk). What had been planned as a bold strike to knock Turkey out of the war quickly became a stale-mate, and the campaign dragged on for eight months. At the end of 1915, the Allied forces were evacuated after both sides had suffered heavy casualties and endured great hardships. Over 8,000 Australian and 2,700 New Zealand soldiers died. News of the landing at Gallipoli made a profound impact on Australians and New Zealanders at home and 25 April quickly became the day on which they remembered the sacrifice of those who had died in war.
Though the Gallipoli campaign failed in its military objectives of capturing Istanbul and knocking Ottoman Empire out of the war, the Australian and New Zealand troops' actions during the campaign bequeathed an intangible but powerful legacy. The creation of what became known as an "Anzac legend" became an important part of the national identity in both countries. This has shaped the way their citizens have viewed both their past and their understanding of the present. (Credit: Wikipedia)
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Anzac Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. The acronym ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, whose soldiers were known as Anzacs. Anzac Day remains one of the most important national occasions of both Australia and New Zealand. This is a rare instance of two sovereign countries not only sharing the same remembrance day, but making reference to both countries in its name.
The Gallipoli campaign
When war broke out in 1914, Australia had been a Federal Commonwealth for only thirteen years. In 1915, Australian and New Zealand soldiers formed part of an Allied expedition that set out to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula, under a plan by Winston Churchill to open the way to the Black Sea for the Allied navies. The objective was to capture Istanbul, capital of the Ottoman Empire, an ally of Germany. The ANZAC force landed at Gallipoli on 25 April, meeting fierce resistance from the Turkish Army commanded by Mustafa Kemal (later known as Atatürk). What had been planned as a bold strike to knock Turkey out of the war quickly became a stale-mate, and the campaign dragged on for eight months. At the end of 1915, the Allied forces were evacuated after both sides had suffered heavy casualties and endured great hardships. Over 8,000 Australian and 2,700 New Zealand soldiers died. News of the landing at Gallipoli made a profound impact on Australians and New Zealanders at home and 25 April quickly became the day on which they remembered the sacrifice of those who had died in war.
Though the Gallipoli campaign failed in its military objectives of capturing Istanbul and knocking Ottoman Empire out of the war, the Australian and New Zealand troops' actions during the campaign bequeathed an intangible but powerful legacy. The creation of what became known as an "Anzac legend" became an important part of the national identity in both countries. This has shaped the way their citizens have viewed both their past and their understanding of the present. (Credit: Wikipedia)
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24 April 2010
Iron Man 2 World Premiere Move From London To L.A To Avoid Ash, by Greg Tingle - 24th April 2010
Even Iron-Man feels the wrath of volcanic ash.
The ash is forecast to shift the "Iron Man 2" world premiere across the globe from London to Los Angeles, due to hazardous flight conditions.
Gambling911 and Media Man are trying to play fortune teller, as we try to navigate around the ash.
Punters and insiders are reminded the the iGaming Super Show is to be in Prague from May 23 - 28. We think the ash would have gone by then! Some betting agencies are taking bets on it with Paddy Power making the most noise.
Movie Business Mayhem
Paramount and Marvel Entertainment advised in a statement "Due to the continuing air travel uncertainty, Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment have taken the decision to move the 'Iron Man 2' world premiere and junket to Los Angeles. A press release will be issued in due course advising of this event and confirming talent attendance."
The film, which stars Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke and Gwyneth Paltrow, was due to screen on 25th April.
The volcanic eruption been throwing things into chaos in Europe since Thursday and has kept many film types and Hollywooders from travelling to and from the continent.
Last week a number of delegates at the Mip TV happening were stranded in Cannes due to flight delays and cancellations across the majority of airlines.
In the U.K., all flights in and out of the country have been suspended since 15th April when wind patterns carrying the ash into the atmosphere impaired visibility and made air travel unsafe.
News reports differ as to when airports may re-open.
The news isn't all bad for Marvel superhero fans or the Marvel franchise.
Marvel has in place a number of strategic b2b deals in place with gaming companies including PartyGaming. Their and Noble Casino websites offer a range of Marvel hero themed online slot games. Party competitor Virgin Games offer Marvel slot games for those located in most parts of Britain - Europe, Canada and a few other places, but no Aussies yet.
Earlier this week we covered Movie Box Office future market operators, Cantor Exchange and Trend Exchange. We think they would be having been having a field day with the 'Iron-Man' chaos, if they had of been up and running and fully operational by now. We understand the proposal is currently with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. Legal eagles tell us that so far, so good, but the launch could be a number of weeks or months away at this stage of the game.
It's understood that Hollywood heavyweight Sly Stallone and his 'The Expendables' flick and cast are keen to see the exchange proposals move forward. Sly, if they need more encouragement just pick up the phone and call on over Arnie, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bruce Willis, Randy Couture and Mickey Rourke... just kidding, we think. Ah, Lew Wasserman from 'The Last Mogul' fame would be proud. Stallone and mate Arnold Schwarzenegger are both featured in game titles developed by PartyGaming 'The Games Studio'. Richard Branson's Virgin Games is also to be watching this space closely. In circa 2008 Virgin launched Virgin Comics, however the project never reached fruition, despite signing Marvel icon Stan Lee. Virgin are set to open banks offering a range of financial services across Britain, then forecast growth across Europe, so Branson may be wild card to watch. Branson often also does his own stunts and has bought his way into cameo roles, where as Lee often get asked. Watch this space for more details as our spies work hard for you're entertainment dollar!
Marvel Entertainment and Paramount Pictures hedging bets...
The show must go on, and Marvel and Paramount have smartly diversified into a number of areas over the past few years, not just relying on movies any more, although that is what drives the business forward. Marvel is currently fighting off a legal situation from CryptoLogic - WagerLogic. Where's Captain America when you need him most? Media Man's money is on Marvel if it goes down to the wire. As Marvel icon Stan Lee says, Excelsior!
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen industries they cover
*Media Man has conducted b2b with various arms of PartyGaming and Virgin Enterprises Limited
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Global Gaming Directory
The ash is forecast to shift the "Iron Man 2" world premiere across the globe from London to Los Angeles, due to hazardous flight conditions.
Gambling911 and Media Man are trying to play fortune teller, as we try to navigate around the ash.
Punters and insiders are reminded the the iGaming Super Show is to be in Prague from May 23 - 28. We think the ash would have gone by then! Some betting agencies are taking bets on it with Paddy Power making the most noise.
Movie Business Mayhem
Paramount and Marvel Entertainment advised in a statement "Due to the continuing air travel uncertainty, Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment have taken the decision to move the 'Iron Man 2' world premiere and junket to Los Angeles. A press release will be issued in due course advising of this event and confirming talent attendance."
The film, which stars Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke and Gwyneth Paltrow, was due to screen on 25th April.
The volcanic eruption been throwing things into chaos in Europe since Thursday and has kept many film types and Hollywooders from travelling to and from the continent.
Last week a number of delegates at the Mip TV happening were stranded in Cannes due to flight delays and cancellations across the majority of airlines.
In the U.K., all flights in and out of the country have been suspended since 15th April when wind patterns carrying the ash into the atmosphere impaired visibility and made air travel unsafe.
News reports differ as to when airports may re-open.
The news isn't all bad for Marvel superhero fans or the Marvel franchise.
Marvel has in place a number of strategic b2b deals in place with gaming companies including PartyGaming. Their and Noble Casino websites offer a range of Marvel hero themed online slot games. Party competitor Virgin Games offer Marvel slot games for those located in most parts of Britain - Europe, Canada and a few other places, but no Aussies yet.
Earlier this week we covered Movie Box Office future market operators, Cantor Exchange and Trend Exchange. We think they would be having been having a field day with the 'Iron-Man' chaos, if they had of been up and running and fully operational by now. We understand the proposal is currently with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission. Legal eagles tell us that so far, so good, but the launch could be a number of weeks or months away at this stage of the game.
It's understood that Hollywood heavyweight Sly Stallone and his 'The Expendables' flick and cast are keen to see the exchange proposals move forward. Sly, if they need more encouragement just pick up the phone and call on over Arnie, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Bruce Willis, Randy Couture and Mickey Rourke... just kidding, we think. Ah, Lew Wasserman from 'The Last Mogul' fame would be proud. Stallone and mate Arnold Schwarzenegger are both featured in game titles developed by PartyGaming 'The Games Studio'. Richard Branson's Virgin Games is also to be watching this space closely. In circa 2008 Virgin launched Virgin Comics, however the project never reached fruition, despite signing Marvel icon Stan Lee. Virgin are set to open banks offering a range of financial services across Britain, then forecast growth across Europe, so Branson may be wild card to watch. Branson often also does his own stunts and has bought his way into cameo roles, where as Lee often get asked. Watch this space for more details as our spies work hard for you're entertainment dollar!
Marvel Entertainment and Paramount Pictures hedging bets...
The show must go on, and Marvel and Paramount have smartly diversified into a number of areas over the past few years, not just relying on movies any more, although that is what drives the business forward. Marvel is currently fighting off a legal situation from CryptoLogic - WagerLogic. Where's Captain America when you need him most? Media Man's money is on Marvel if it goes down to the wire. As Marvel icon Stan Lee says, Excelsior!
*Greg Tingle is a special contributor for Gambling911
*Media Man is primarily a media, publicity and internet portal development company. Gaming is just one of a dozen industries they cover
*Media Man has conducted b2b with various arms of PartyGaming and Virgin Enterprises Limited
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Kerry Packer Aussie Legend Live On Via Art And TV
Media Man revisits one of their most popular news stories from 2010...
G'day punters, casino and gambling millionaires and billionaires, media magnates, journalists, historians and art lovers. Art lovers?! Yes, today we bring you a special Kerry Packer special. The legend lives on, not only here, but now at an Australian artists exhibition, and of course 'Our James' (James Packer) continues to fly the flag and do the family legacy proud with his Crown Limited empire. Not only that, we also cover the pending return of KP to Australian television in an ABC mini series tipped to hit the jackpot, and Network Nine is bringing back 'Underbelly', complete with gambling themes.Media Man and Gambling 911 present The Kerry Packer Special...
Kerry Packer & Friends...
Kerry Packer & Friends - NG Art Gallery - 7th Dec - 24th Dec 2010
3 Little Queen Street
Chippendale, NSW Sydney AUSTRALIA
Tuesday - Saturday 11.00am - 5.30pm
Ok punters, here's the rundown. The artist - storyteller is Gina Sinozich. She's an 80 year old, Croat, Sydney based artist who paints in order to help recycle memory. Sinozich's latest exhibition, Kerry Packer and Friends, is her first solo commercial effort in Sydney and is tells the story of the legendary Kerry Packer. She covers the unique personality and complexities of a legend who was known for his astronomical wealth, super whale gambling exploits, running his business with an iron fist, and colourful run ins with the Australian government, amongst other things.
Sinozich migrated down under to Australia is 1956 and began to paint at the age of 75, now having work in Australian and New Zealand corporate and public collections. Her show showcases Packer as 'one of us' rather than the untouchable media tycoon. Sinozich was inspired to tell the story on the premise that we often hear bad before good. This tribute to KP is generous and reveals alot of the most powerful men in the world, who in 2004, was estimated to have a net worth of AUD 6.5 billion. The work of Sinozich will be showcased at NG Art Gallery from the 7th-24th of December and is certain to excite audiences, punters, art lovers or both. A fews Aussie commentator think this blows away much of the art that American gambling tycoon Steve Wynn shows off. Maybe Wynn might like to make a purchase of some classic Packer creations.
Sinozich says Packer gave back to society in a meaningful way and the series was intended to stand as a testament for this man's intrinsic goodwill after his death in December 2005. She recites a story that fuelled her initial interest in Packer, " lady said that she was on George Street with two little kids behind her and she was running...running to go on the train, and he (Packer) stopped her and said, 'don't you have a car?' and he wrote a cheque for her and said here, 'buy yourself a car'." Sinozich also fondly recalls, "...when he was playing in casino in Perth he won so much money and the girl who was serving wine...he asked her, 'do you have a mortgage on the house?' she said 'yes', then he wrote a cheque for AUD 600,000."
The talented, even cunning, artist worked like a Trojan horse for a fortnight and managed to produce 26 paintings that deeply explore her subject's nature, removing much of the mystic of Packer as an uncompromising media mogul. All the characters in Sinozich's work have a yarn to tell, and most aspects of his life are covered... birth, death, and much of the in between. Make no mistake, the works are smart, and unique, and are tipped to become collectors items.
The work is relatively simple, but full of life, and has been described as "traditional representational painting", which one may argue is a dying art. We think KP would have liked the tribute, and we await word to see what living members of the Packer clan think of the works.
Kerry Packer Legend To Return To Australian TV In Cleo Mini Series...
Packer is to return to life on Aussie TV via new ABC drama Paper Giants: The Birth Of Cleo (not to be confused with the Cleopatra slot game).
Australian readers may recall the public backlash to the introduction of the super sexy womens’ title in 1972. There were Cleo lovers and haters, but we're still talking about it today, so it made an impact, which is better than many of today's rags.
Rob Carlton will play a young Packer opposite Asher Keddie as publishing pioneer, the sexy and smart Ita Buttrose.
Rumours of a sexual relationship between Packer and Ita around the time of Cleo magazine's start off, but this won't be a focus on the mini-series, due to air next year.
Buttrose, who first made her mark as the magazine's editor, was a consultant on the production.
"If there was a supposed affair it didn't happen in this timeframe. I have no idea if there was, we didn't raise it with her," Edwards said.
There ABC publicity brief has whet our appetite for lots of Packer classic stuff and enough scandal to keep us coming back for more.
"It's 1972. Skirts are up, pants are down. Girls can have anything: Fabulous careers, fashionable clothes and oral sex," spruiks the promo.
The drama cleverly follows the death of Sir Frank Packer and the rise of his second son, who defies even family expectation to succeed, in a way no one could have expected.
"It was a real turning point in Kerry's career. It was a period when he made his first big move and it was an astonishing success and one against the odds in some respects," Edwards said.
Cleo magazine itself was a fine, yet controversial work, and introduced the nude male centrefold and sexual hits, tips, tricks and more for women. Media Man friend, actor Jack Thompson, is tipped to have his racy centrefold recreated. Something about a 6th finger, down there.
ABC TV by all accounts have taken a calculated risk on the series. Most quarters of society, both insiders and outsiders we've chatted with believe the gamble will pay off with a tidy jackpot, and whispers already circulate as to how many awards the show and actors will pick up.
Nine's David Gyngell Respects Packer History; PBL Becomes Nine Entertainment Co...
KP put Publishing & Broadcasting Media on the map and grew it to become arguably the biggest media brands in Australia.
PBL - the name, is now history, since Bondi Beach based chief executive, David Gyngell, rebranded it with Nine Entertainment Co.
Gyngell, who announced the rebranding at Nine's 2011 program launch in Sydney on Friday, advised the new name would be more recognisable to the public and large and went on to emphasise Nine's broad range of businesses, which sport Nine, ACP Magazines, Ticketek and NineMSN.
The recognition factor is important since the firm is likely to be floated on the Australian Stock Exchange by its private equity owners, CVC Asia Pacific, in the first half of next year.
It's understood that a strong level of support from a host of retail investors will be key to the $5 billion-plus float's chances of a jackpot.
Gyngell wisely acknowledged it was not an easy decision given he is the late Kerry Packer's godson and great mate of James Packer. History buffs, just in case you wondered, PBL was formed way back in 1994 when KP merged Nine with ACP (Australian Consolidated Press).
"PBL has a long association with the Packers so personally I don't take that lightly. But it's modernising a business that needs to be publicly known. We don't have the luxury of having James Packer or another mogul giving the company real gravitas."
Other media updates down under include Network Seven being backed by Kerry Stokes and Network Ten's board now has James Packer, News Corporation director Lachlan Murdoch, mining magnate Gina Rinehart and WIN TV owner Bruce Gordon.
"Nine is the biggest thing that we have and it is also the thing that supports all the other companies in the best possible way," Gyngell said. "It will be a new year. We are starting again.
Nine confirmed its crime drama Underbelly would come back with a series set in the roaring 20s in Sydney as well as 3 Underbelly movies! And, get this, a good spot of gambling will also be featured.
Gaming and Gambling Growth
Australian gambling companies are expected to report modest growth in earnings this reporting season as consumers rein in their discretionary spending and casino operators face tough competition from overseas.
"Gambling is part of discretionary expenditure, so I'm anticipating that gambling expenditure will be down," Morningstar gaming analyst Ross MacMillan said.
Earnings in the gambling sector may grow two or three per cent, but "It's going to be very subdued earnings growth if we see any at all," Mr MacMillan said.
The outlook for the current financial year was expected to be very cautious and limited in detail.
Mr MacMillan anticipated most companies would hold off providing guidance until their annual general meetings when they would have at least three months of performance under the belt.
The big issue for Tatts Group and Tabcorp would be the source of future growth, he said.
Tatts and Tabcorp hold a duopoly over poker machines in Victoria outside of the Crown casino in Melbourne. The Victorian poker machine licence expires in 2012.
Tabcorp was recently awarded a new wagering and betting licence in Victoria, winning it over Tatts. The wagering licence allows Tabcorp to offer wagering on thoroughbred, harness and greyhound racing and other sporting events.
Lower gambling expenditure would affect revenues, so gambling companies would have to look at cutting costs, Mr MacMillan said.
He said Tatts would be looking to strip out as many costs as possible from the NSW lottery business it acquired in March 2010.
Tatts also would think carefully about the South Australian lottery business, which is likely to come up for sale in the next 18 months.
Mr MacMillan said the main issue affecting the Tabcorp results would be the recent demerger of its casino operations - now known as Echo Entertainment Group - which would make Tabcorp's accounts "messy".
An issue facing casino operators Crown and Echo was the size of the capital expenditure needed to revamp their casinos so they could compete with big new casino-resorts in Singapore and attract more VIP gamblers (high rollers) from China.
"This is a real issue: whether it (capital expenditure) will continue in the future," Mr MacMillan said.
Fat Prophets gaming analyst Greg Fraser said consumer spending had been weak and was likely to be reflected in gaming results at the "grind end" of the market.
Mr Fraser said he expected a reasonable result from Tatts Group.
Although a larger proportion of Tatts' earnings now came from lotteries, gaming operations were likely to attract attention because that's where uncertainty lay.
"Having missed out on the Victorian wagering licence, it'll be interesting to see what they (Tatts) say about their future now and what their plans might be," Mr Fraser said.
Tabcorp also needed to detail its plans for the new Victorian wagering licence and explain how the company would replace gaming machine earnings once they disappear in 2012, he said.
Among the casino operators, Crown's result was likely to be stronger than that of Echo Entertainment, largely because Crown had spent its money on refurbishments and re-organising its gaming floors sooner and, arguably, more effectively than Echo.
Much of the Star City refurbishment was aimed at non-gaming activities, so the casino's success over the next year should be measured by the increase in visitation numbers.
"In that sense, it's the outlook statement for Echo this time that is perhaps more important than this year's financial result," Mr Fraser said.
Warner Bros Says 'The Dark Knight Rises' Won't Beat 'The Avengers'...
The Hollywood Report is reporting that the pre-release tracking numbers for "The Dark Knight Rises" are so high that the movie should have no problem topping the $158 million opening of "The Dark Knight" and getting the best U.S debut for a 2D film.
According to Warner Bros, Christopher Nolan's third Batman film has already grossed $25 million in advance ticket sales, which is one of the best results of all time. The studio believes that "The Dark Knight Rises" will end up at around $170 million for the weekend, but box office experts believe that the film will likely end up between $185 million and $195 million.
As predicted earlier, "The Dark Knight Rises" will likely not beat "The Avengers" ($207.4 million) for the highest-grossing opening weekend, but should surpass "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" ($169.2 million). Both of the films had the advantage of being released in 3D. Roughly $35 million of "The Avengers" opening numbers came from the extra charge that comes with watching films in 3D.
The other problem that "The Dark Knight Rises" faces is being 2 hours and 43 minutes long. Very often people tend to wait for lengthy films to come out on DVD/Blu-ray. Plus, theaters won't be able to squeeze in as many screenings as they could for a shorter movie.
Warner, China Film clash on 'Dark Knight' debut against 'Spider-Man'...
A plan to open superhero movies "The Amazing Spider-Man"and "The Dark Knight Rises"on the same date in China has prompted a tense standoff between film authorities in Beijing and Hollywood's biggest studio.
Warner Bros.' Batman sequel "The Dark Knight Rises" and Sony Pictures' reboot "The Amazing Spider-Man" have both been scheduled to open in China on Aug. 30 , according to to several people familiar with the Chinese movie market not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
Release dates in China are set not by studios, but by the state-owned China Film Group.
Such a move would almost certainly depress the box office grosses of both big-budget pictures as they compete for audiences and screens.
In response, Warner Bros. is lobbying China Film Group to delay the opening of "Dark Knight Rises" to September, the knowledgeable people said. The negotiations are delicate, however, as China Film's decision-making process is opaque to Hollywood studios.
The underlying question in the dispute is which side has more leverage: China Film Group, the gatekeeper to the world's second-largest movie market; or Warner Bros., which controls one of the most anticipated movies of the year, expected to gross more than $1 billion worldwide.
Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures declined to comment.
"Dark Knight Rises" is opening in the U.S. on Friday as well as in many other countries in Europe and Asia; "Spider-Man" has already been open for several weeks in most territories.
Should China Film refuse to change the opening date of "The Dark Knight Rises," Warner Bros.'s only apparent option would be to hold back the movie entirely, potentially giving up tens of millions of dollars in box office revenue from the country in order to stand on principle.
REVIEW: 'Dark Knight Rises'
The news comes a week after the revelation that the 3-D animated movies "Ice Age: Continental Drift" (from 20th Century Fox) and "The Lorax" (from Universal Pictures) will premiere against each other on July 27 in China.
In the past, it has been highly unusual for similar movies to open on the same date in China as the government sought to boost box office receipts, which hit $2 billion last year and are projected to rise to $3 billion by the end of 2012.
But Chinese authorities may be concerned that Hollywood movies have been performing much better than local product so far this year, according to people with ties to the Chinese film market who did not want to be identified publicly because it might jeopardize their relationships there.
These people said that executives at China Film appear to be opening similar American movies against each other in order to minimize their box office takes.
Xiao Ping, the general manager in charge of importing movies at China Film Group, said she had not received any "official confirmation" of the release dates of "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Dark Knight Rises."
"I'm not sure when those two movies will be released in China," she said. "It all depends on the market conditions."
She referred a Times reporter to other executives at China Film. One who worked in the legal department said that the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Assn. is in charge of scheduling release dates.
However, a woman who answered the phone at the association said she couldn't comment and referred questions back to China Film Group.
There has been an unofficial "blackout" on American movies in China for the last several weeks -- with only local product appearing in theaters--from the opening of the animated film "Brave" on June 19 until "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" arrives on July 25.
Consequently, there is expected to be a back-up of Hollywood summer tentpole pictures opening on top of one another over the next couple of months.
If China Film Group decides to continue opening American movies on the same dates, it could impact such pictures as the 3-D animated films "Hotel Transylvania," "Frankenweenie," "Wreck-It-Ralph" and "Rise of the Guardians," as well as "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and the James Bond picture "Skyfall."
Jessica Biel Bails on 'The Wolverine,' a Superhero Movie That Can't Get a Break...
After three successful X-Men with a total domestic gross of nearly a $1 billion, a spin-off, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and one of the greatest modern cameos of all time (his f-bomb in X-Men: First Class is truly inspired), one would think Hugh Jackman getting another round of mutant comic book action off the ground would be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Not so.
The latest hiccup for Wolverine's second outing, simply titled The Wolverine, sees Jessica Biel vacating a role that she never quite had. Rumors were swirling around Comic-Con that Biel was in talks for the costarring role of "Viper" in the film. The actress was in talks with the studio for the part on Friday, but the negotiations fell through. Biel, who previously lent her action acting skills to the third installment of the Blade franchise and the upcoming Total Recall, reportedly had "cold feet" regarding the role and opted out of joining the sequel.
The departure of Biel is another bump in the road for The Wolverine. After the middling success of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, questions over whether the gruff, ballbusting hero would get another chance at a solo career. Director Gavin Hood insisted that a second film was on the way, with writer Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects, Jack Reacher) hired to pen a script in August 2009. When Hood was not asked to return for a follow-up, plans for a sequel were stuck in limbo. But after the success of Black Swan, Jackman's former Fountain director Darren Aronofsky stepped in to helm the picture with a revamped title that separated it from the previous Origins series: The Wolverine.
Aronofsky boarded The Wolverine in October of 2010, but by March of 2011, he was bowing out of the project, citing the need to remain in the country with his family (the director had split from his wife Rachel Weisz in November, following the announcement). The departure of the director wasn't even The Wolverine's biggest issue: McQuarrie's script for the film took the action to Japan, following one of the character's most famous arcs, but just before Aronofsky's departure, Japan suffered a massive earthquake that devastated the country and left business out to dry. Once again, Fox was stuck with a project they were dying to make but with no one and no where to make it. An immediate search began for a new director, and by June 2011, the studio settled on James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma, Knight & Day) to helm the picture. The film was on the fast track to shoot in fall of that year in Australia.
With whether concerns in Japan a lingering problem, The Wolverine bounced around start dates with its star eventually taking on another project in the interim, the musical Les Miserables. But after years of false starts, the pieces for the comic book sequel are falling into place, Jackman confirming at this year's CinemaCon that production would begin in August for a release date of July 26, 2013.
The Wolverine has already begun assembling its primarily Japanese cast, signing on Hiroyuki Sanada, Hal Yamanouchi , Tao Okamoto and Rila Fukushima for key roles, but the loss of Biel comes as a blow to the production. The star is one of the few go-to female action heroines — and her profile is only growing. Who can go toe-to-toe with Jackman on both a physical and emotional level. In the comics, The Viper character begins in a romantic relationship with Wolverine before double-crossing him and taking him down. The casting of Biel is an indication that, at the very least, Viper will be seeing a bit of the action in the film (and with a name like Viper, how could she not?). There's no word yet on who could fill Biel's shoes, but if Total Recall is any indication, actress Kate Beckinsale has the chops to contend with Biel. An ample replacement? Who should take over Viper from the quickly-departed Biel?
Dwayne Johnson to play Lobo...
Dwayne Johnson has confirmed he is in talks with producer Joel Silver and director Brad Peyton to play comic book star Lobo....
Dwayne Johnson has confirmed he is in talks to play comic book star Lobo.
The 'G.I. Joe: Retaliation' star - who also wrestles in the WWE as The Rock - took to his twitter account to reveal he has entered negotiations with producer Joel Silver and director Brad Peyton about taking on the role of DC Comics' Czarnian bounty hunter.
In response to a fan's question about whether he is playing the character, he tweeted: "Rumors of me possibly playing LOBO are true. Joel Silver and Brad Peyton working on it now. That could be fun.. (sic)"
Earlier this year, Brad took up an offer from Warner Bros. to make the DC Comics movie as his next project.
The filmmaker teamed up with Dwayne on 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island', which features Sir Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens, and sees the wrestler star as explorer Hank Parsons.
Dwayne's next movie role will see him portray Roadblock on forthcoming action motion picture 'G.I. Joe: Retaliation', and he recently admitted he signed up for the project because he thought there was "room for improvement" in the franchise after watching 2009's 'G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra'.
He explained: "I was even more than 'Yeah I'm in.' But also too, you wanna be a little bit poised with your excitement at first. When I first heard it, the idea of starring in 'G.I. Joe', first of all you get a second crack at something that is - the franchise is that big, the title is that big, the first one did well [but there was] room for improvement.
"We get a second crack at bat with this; I wanted to grab this by the throat and not let go. The moment I locked in, we all agreed, I'm in."
‘Dark Knight Rises’ SRO Official Academy Screening Begins With Moment Of Silence For Colorado Tragedy Victims...
The Colorado movie theatre shooting tragedy apparently did not dampen the want-to-see factor for The Dark Knight Rises among members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. At Saturday night’s official screening at the Academy’s 1012 seat Samuel Goldwyn Theatre in Beverly Hills an SRO crowd , the largest so far this year and easily one of the largest in many years , turned out to see the much-awaited conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. The Academy crowd was so big that in a highly unusual move for one of these official weekend Acad member screenings ( which often draw far less than capacity audiences) an announcement was made that anyone not having a seat or not happy with the seat they did have could go to the lobby and they would begin filling the Academy’s adjacent Little Theatre.
In another highly unusual move for one of these regular screenings Academy President Tom Sherak was on hand and made a few remarks before asking for a moment of silence for the victims of the horrendous tragedy which occurred early Friday morning shortly after the first midnight screening began at the Aurora, Colorado theatre.
I am told this is what he said in part, “… (this was) such a thankless act of violence by a deranged individual who took the lives of so many innocent people and wounded so many others. The movie-going experience is one which we should be able to enjoy with others in our community in an environment that is safe. We should be able to go to our local theatres and leave our problems behind and allow the movie to transport us to a place that entertains us and captures our imagination. For now though, we understandably feel angst and uneasiness with this tragic event and question the why and the how. Let us take a moment of silence before we begin to hold those innocent people and their families in our hearts and in our prayers. Our condolences surely go out to all of them”.
At least one observer told me reaction to the film itself was “fantastic with much applause at the end”. Although it is far from the studio’s or anybody’s mind this weekend – and should be – Warner Bros is known to have high Oscar hopes for the film. The Academy’s switch from five to ten Best Picture nominees in 2009 is widely thought to have been instigated by the omission of a Best Picture nod for 2008′s The Dark Knight which was nominated overall for 8 mostly below-the-line Oscars and won for Sound Editing and most notably a posthumous Best Supporting Actor statuette for Heath Ledger who played the Joker.
Official Academy screenings of The Dark Knight Rises continue Tuesday in New York and Thursday in San Francisco. London-based members saw it last Thursday.
Studio Quiet on “Dark Knight Rises” Box Office; Will it Top “The Avengers?”
In the wake of the tragic shooting at a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises,” it would potentially appear callous to focus on the whopping box office success of the highly-anticipated film.
As such, Warner Brothers Pictures issued a statement saying it will not officially report box office data over the weekend. Studio estimates often help formulate the “reports” movie buffs read on Saturday morning and then again Sunday afternoon. Official results are not delivered until Monday.
Those with inside sources, however, are reporting that the film’s tracking looks very strong. The question remains whether it will beat “The Avengers.”
Though it had a stronger midnight opening, “Dark Knight,” according to Deadline, will likely land in line with the other film’s opening day total. Given the passionate following for the latest Batman film series, this phenomenon makes sense–seeing the movie at midnight was a bona fide event for millions, but it is not necessarily a more widely-appealing movie than the star-studded “Avengers.”
Like “Avengers,” “The Dark Knight Rises” is tracking for about $80 million on Friday. “Avengers” held up reasonably well over the weekend to earn $207 million; it remains to be seen if interest in “The Dark Knight” is too front-loaded to bring another $120 million to the table on Saturday and Sunday.
Marvel & Latino Review: Studio Allegedly Threatens Movie Writer Over 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Leak...
On June 28, Latino Review writer Dave Gonzales -- writing under the pseudonym Da7e -- broke the news that Marvel was planning to make "Guardians of the Galaxy" one of its next films. Trades like Variety and THR were quick to pick up the news -- did as well, but without crediting Gonzales for the story -- and by the time Marvel officially announced "Guardians of the Galaxy" at Comic-Con on July 14, it seemed nearly everyone with a Twitter account was already aware of the project.
That apparently didn't sit very well with Marvel.
On Thursday, Gonzales posted an email he received from someone posing as a Marvel representative -- the writer was later revealed to be Robert Grosser, a vice president of loss prevention at Marvel, by THR -- that asked for the source of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" news. (Gonzales also broke a story about "Iron Man 3.")
The executives at Marvel are extremely upset regarding the release of this information and they have instructed me to find you and ascertain how you received it. My goal is to accomplish this in a quiet manner. I do not want to see you or anyone else get into trouble nor do I want to see anyone’s career be tarnished because of this. However I am very confident that through your efforts and mine, we will be able to work through this together. I personally feel that you did not have any malicious intent when you posted your spoilers on the fanboy website. Like many fans out there, you just wanted to be the first one to post something on the internet. I get it, however the "Iron Man 3" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" information was confidential and you did not have Marvel’s consent to post it. That was illegal!
Needless to say, Gonzales wasn't thrilled about the accusations or threats. Not only did he post the email online, he wrote this in response:
I’m not responding to this e-mail outside of this post, because I’ve done nothing wrong. A representative of my favorite comics house just stepped into my life with no legal authority to demand anything and threatened my career for doing my job well.
According to THR's legal blog, THR, Esq., Marvel would have a difficult time bringing any charges against Gonzales, a reporter, for reporting a story.
As for "Guardians of the Galaxy," Marvel announced the film at Comic-Con and will release it into theaters on Aug. 1, 2014.
For more on the legal ramifications of this story, head over to THR. To check out Gonzales' full report, hit Latino Review.
Thor: The Dark World - Stuntman Leak?...
At Marvel Studios’ panel at Comic-Con, it was revealed that the sequel to ‘Thor’ would be called ‘Thor: The Dark World’. But then the new title left people wondering what made Thor’s world so dark. It seems that stuntman James Grogan may have the answer to that.
In an interview with IReviewToo (via Comic Book Movie), Grogan may have just revealed who Chris Hemsworth will have to face in his next outing as the God of Thunder, beside Tom Hiddleston, who’s reprising his role as Loki. Here’s what the stuntman had to say:
“The other day for example, this is quite random but I was working on ‘Thor 2’. I had a load of stunt guys in and the director came in and he said ‘Look, we want you all to be elves,’ and I was like ‘What the hell is an elf anyway?’ and he said ‘I want you all to walk around like these supernatural animals,’ honestly it was the most ridiculous thing ever but you just have to not be self aware and get on with it.”
Elves? In ‘The Dark World’? Well for those in the know, one might assume that Thor will be facing off against the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim under the leadership of Malekith the Accursed. Back when Mads Mikkelsen was in talks for the role of an unnamed villain in Alan Taylor’s film, I speculated that he would play the demon Surtur, but now that we have more information to go on, could it be that the Danish actor who left the production was set to play the evil elf? And who’s lined up to play the villain now to fill the vacancy?
Also, as CBM notes, Loki and Malekith have been in cahoots before to acquire the Cask of Ancient Winters, which was featured in the first journey in Asgard, so maybe Taylor will be inspired by that comic storyline for his movie. Since production begins next month in London, I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.
‘Thor: The Dark World’, directed by ‘Game of Thrones’ favorite Alan Taylor, starring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Idris Elba, and Anthony Hopkins, is scheduled for release on November 8, 2013.
Dwayne Johnson Up For "Lobo" Film...
After being asked by a fan, Dwayne Johnson has revealed that talk of him playing alien bounty hunter "Lobo", in the proposed DC Comics feature film adaptation in development at Warner Bros. Pictures, has some weight to it.
"Rumors of me possibly playing LOBO are true. Joel Silver and Brad Peyton working on it now. That could be fun" he states on Twitter. The studio has not set a release date yet for the film.
If cast, Johnson would reunite with his "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" director Brad Peyton on the movie.
Russell Crowe, 'Harry Potter' star Emma Watson to shoot 'Noah' on Long Island, New York...
Director Darren Aronofsky ("Black Swan," "The Wrestler") Thursday tweeted the first photo of the Noah's Ark set he's constructing on Long Island for his upcoming "Noah," based on his own graphic-novel reimagining of the Biblical epic.
"We're shooting in Oyster Bay, Long Island," a Paramount spokeswoman told Newsday. "Confirmed cast includes Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman and Douglas Booth." Oscar-winner Crowe is set to play a version of Noah, whom the graphic novel's publisher, Le Lombard, describes as "a Mad Max out of the depths of time." (Connelly will play Noah's wife, and Hopkins the 900-year-old Methuselah.)
"I dreamt about this since I was 13," Aronofsky, 43, tweeted. "And now it's a reality. Genesis 6:14," he said, referring to the Bible passage that reads, "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch."
Meanwhile, Grant Wilfley Casting has scheduled an open call for "Noah" extras Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Greek Orthodox Church of Holy Resurrection in Brookville, specifying "men and women with toned-slender runner's bodies, who are willing to work at night in the rain." A previous open call had taken place June 29 in Manhattan.
"Noah," scheduled for release March 28, 2014, will adapt the graphic novel by writers Aronofsky and Ari Handel and artist Niko Henrichon, which was published in French last October.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson In Highest Paid Actors List...
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was listed at #4 on the Forbes annual list of the highest paid actors in the world over the past year. Johnson was reported as earning $36 million this past year, behind only Tom Cruise ($75 million), Leonardo DiCaprio ($37 million) and Adam Sandler ($37 million).
Roddy Piper gives tips to CM Punk...
WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper continues to praise WWE Champion CM Punk. Piper says he is going to sit down with Punk at Monday's big RAW and give him some advice for his troubles with Big Show. Piper wrote:
"Watched @CMPunk on Raw. A great job. I fought Andre so many times going to sit down with Punk at 1000 Raw a tell him a secret. He's worh it!"
AW Wants To Be WWE RAW GM...
AW says he is the one to take us back to the WWE Attitude Era. He wrote the following in response to fans criticizing his open mic work on RAW:
"If you're annoyed by me on the mic it's not me u hate it's ur own lack of internal fortitude you despise. #StopHatingO's. I'm not politically correct. If u get offended deal with it. #AttitudeEra is my motto. I grew up on it, I live it!!! #F*ckFearDrinkBeer!! If anybody's gonna take us back to the #AttitudeEra it's me. Doubt me if u will, don't let the suit fool you. We've only just begun...."
WWE Has More Legends Confirmed for RAW 1000; Stone Cold Steve Austin...
On rumors that Steve Austin will face Heath Slater on Raw 1,000: "Austin will definitely give him the stunner, ya' know thats coming! Fans get ready, you're gonna see a Stunner!"
On if he will be apart of Raw 1,000: "I will be making an appearance...people will see that my spikes were excellently repainted! Yeah, I'll be there all painted up, with bells on boys! If it happens it happens, I'm ready!"
On what else to expect for Raw 1,000: "It's gonna star studded, on my flight alone is me, DDP and Bret 'Hitman' Hart!"
WWE Focus On recruiting...
Within WWE, recruiting is now the highest priority it has been since more than a decade ago when WWE had the original strong class in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Gerald Brisco and Canyon Ceman, a recent Triple H hire, were recruiting new talents this past week at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. They were specifically looking at wrestlers, weightlifters and track athletes. Brisco was highest on a bobsled racer who he thought had a great look and who loved wrestling. The racer is the pusher for his bobsled team and may want to wait until after the 2014 Winter Games. (Wrestling Observer Newsletter)
ICP’s annual Gathering of the Juggalos...
Wrestling stars announced for ICP’s annual Gathering of the Juggalos JCW BloodyMania event include Scott Steiner, Vader, John Morrison, Carlito, Bobby Lashley, Chavo Guerrero, Shane Helms, Matt Hardy, The Headbangers, The Rock ‘n Roll Express, Colt Cabana, Vampiro, Steve Corino and others. As noted before, Ric Flair will also be present as the host of the Main Stage.
Dave "Batista" Bautista to have GQ feature...
Former WWE Champion Dave "Batista" Bautista took part in a photo shoot for men's magazine GQ on Thursday to promote the upcoming martial arts film written by RZA and Eli Roth, The Man with the Iron Fists. The noted wrestler appears in the flick with Academy Award winner Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu and mixed martial artist Cung Lee. It is set for release in North America on November 2, 2012.
WWE SmackDown Results: July 20, 2012...
Five nights after Money-in-the-Bank, the 674th edition of WWE Friday Night SmackDown came to you from the Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, CA. After their shocking engagement on RAW and their even more shocking wedding date for the 1,000th Episode of RAW, the bride and groom-to-be, AJ and Daniel Bryan, would be the special guests on The Peep Show, hosted by Intercontinental Champion Christian!
Match Results
8-Man Tag: The Prime Time Players, Hunico, & Camacho (with A.W.) def. R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Primo, & Epico by Darren Young pinning Primo following the gutbuster.
Damien Sandow def. Zack Ryder by pin following the straightjacket neckbreaker.
Kane def. Daniel Bryan by DQ after AJ interferes.
Road Warrior Animal def. Heath Slater by pin following a jumping elbow drop.
Sheamus & Rey Mysterio def. Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio by DQ after Ricardo Rodriguez interferes.
Warner Bros. Consumer Products Announces Worldwide Licensing Program For The Dark Knight Rises
Epic Conclusion of the Dark Knight Trilogy Hits Theaters on July 20...
BURBANK, Calif., July 19, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Bat-Signal soars above the skies as Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) and its global partners launch the worldwide licensing and merchandising program that supports the eagerly awaited epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan's phenomenally popular Dark Knight trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. As the summer blockbuster swoops into theaters, beginning July 20, WBCP unveils the unprecedented lineup of global licensees and products capturing the excitement for the film around the world.
"Batman is one of the most iconic characters in the world and our global merchandising program inspired by The Dark Knight Rises offers fans of all ages an opportunity to extend their experience beyond the theater," said Brad Globe, President, Warner Bros. Consumer Products. "The characters, gadgets and vehicles created by Christopher Nolan have opened up a world of great product opportunities."
In support of The Dark Knight Rises, WBCP and its host of renowned licensees are rolling out a vast product lineup generating awareness and enthusiasm just in time for the tentpole film's release. Led by global master toy licensee Mattel, the film will also be supported by key partners such as The LEGO Group, Hallmark, Kinetix, Converse, Rubie's Costume Company, and Titan Books, among many other licensees worldwide. The myriad of merchandise supporting The Dark Knight Rises will bring the film to life and into the homes of fans with a licensing program that boasts offerings across multiple categories from toys and games, to collectibles and costumes, to apparel and accessories, to publishing, party goods and domestic decor.
Mattel, global master toy partner for the film and DC Comics, will have a broad lineup as part of its Batman toy collection including action figures, playsets and collectible figures, highlighted by the fan-favorite Movie Masters(TM) line for the older fans and serious collectors, which captures the superior accuracy and details of the characters from The Dark Knight Rises. In addition, the authentic film-inspired toy line introduces the innovative play technology QuickTek(TM), which offers snap-and-slide armor and accessories.
The much-anticipated film is also being supported by LEGO, the official partner in the construction category, with a construction set inspired by The Dark Knight Rises; Rubie's Costume Co., bringing a wide range of costume products based on the entire DC Comics portfolio, including The Dark Knight Rises; and Hallmark offering collectible ornaments.
Additional licensees also supporting the film include: PPW Toys' DC Super Heroes collectible line of Mr. Potato Heads, including a "Caped Cru-Tater" figure inspired by The Dark Knight Rises; Jakks Pacific with a range of film-inspired novelty and large scale figures and plush; and Cardinals Industries' games and puzzles based on The Dark Knight Rises and Batman, as well as other legendary DC Comics characters. Funko brings its fun stylized plush and vinyl collection; Mezco unmasks colorfully detailed vinyl figures; Hornby Hobbies revs it up with a Scalextric limited edition Batman Tumbler vehicle; Thinkway Toys brings their best-in-class innovation to a range of remote control vehicles, figures, and basic role play toys inspired by Batman and The Dark Knight Rises; and McFarlane Toys unveils a special edition collectible action figure of former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver and two-time Super Bowl champion, Hines Ward, in his Gotham Rogues uniform as worn in The Dark Knight Rises.
The licensing program for The Dark Knight Rises reaches multiple product categories. In apparel, high-end fashion from Kinetix and Kids Republic, to Braccialini's cat-walk Catwoman-inspired clutch, to trendy apparel from Bioworld, Junkfood, French Connection, Converse, New Era and Diesel, gives fans a chance to don the look with t-shirts, limited edition sneakers and caps, accessories and more inspired by the artistry and graphics from The Dark Knight Rises; as well as Under Armour with their specialty athletic gear as inspired by their Gotham Rogues uniforms in the film. Collectibles from Hot Toys, Kotobukiya, Mobius Models and Noble Collection offer discerning collectors a chance to display the most artistic and detailed figures and replicas; Mimoco offers cool-collectors' high-tech USB flash drives for all fans; and home goods from Franco, and more will bring Batman to life in any room in the house. In publishing, WBCP and its partners take an in-depth look at all of the vehicles, gadgets, uniforms and more as seen in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. Titan Books will bring the film to the page with its official tie-in novelization; Abrams releases The Art and Making of the Dark Knight Trilogy; HarperCollins caters to younger fans with a publishing program that includes a Junior novelization, I Can Read book series and assorted activity books; and Insight Editions lets fans and auto aficionados get into the driver's seat in Batmobile: The Complete History coffee table book about the iconic Batmobile through the years, as well as giving an inside look at the secrets to being Batman in The Dark Knight Manual.
Other licensees that are part of the exciting roll-out for The Dark Knight Rises program, including Lava Lite LLC, Skinit, Inc., Cufflinks, Inc., Graphitti Designs, The Northwest Company, Thermos, Trends International, Muckle Mannequins, Molli Toys and Bakery Crafts, among many others - each offering inspired product that will delight all fans.
About The Dark Knight Rises Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' The Dark Knight Rises is the epic conclusion to Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The film stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Morgan Freeman. Christopher Nolan directed the film from a screenplay by Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan, story by Christopher Nolan & David S. Goyer. Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Charles Roven are the producers, with Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin De La Noy and Thomas Tull serving as executive producers, and Jordan Goldberg co-producing. The Dark Knight Rises is based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane and published by DC Comics.
Opening in theatres and IMAX on July 20, 2012, The Dark Knight Rises will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company. The film has been rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language.
Gazillion Entertainment President David Brevik Talks Marvel Heroes MMO
The new game will offer dynamic environments...
SAN DIEGO -- Gazillion Entertainment have Comic-Con 2012 fans a first play of the free-to-play online game Marvel Heroes. The game combines the energy of action role-playing games with the breadth and immersion of the MMO genre, while sharing some popular features from Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo games.
Fans were able to play one of four iconic Marvel characters at the convention and battle through the war-torn streets of Mutant Town and Fort Stryker to defeat Magneto and retrieve William Stryker from his clutches. Along the way, players got a taste of the extensive loot and costume options for each hero. Developers of the game were at the Marvel Entertainment booth, which featured Iron Man 3, to guide players and answer questions during play.
“San Diego Comic-Con is the perfect venue for gamers and Marvel fans to play Marvel Heroes for the first time,” said Brevik. “Marvel Heroes is a great leap forward for the MMO genre, combining the rapid pace of an action-RPG with the depth of an MMO.”
During San Diego Comic-Con, fans also were able to play through the game to find the Tablet of Life and Time, which is a powerful item in Marvel Heroes. The Tablet has been stolen in a daring raid, and to help get it back the Marvel Heroes Task Force needed help. San Diego Comic-Con attendees were deputized and issued a unique photo ID badge, then put hot on the trail of the Tablet. Over the course of The Con, fans won t-shirts, beta codes and other prizes.
WWE Triple H Talks Talent...
Promoting this coming Monday's historic 1000th episode of Raw, Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, addressed a number of topics including Randy Orton's ongoing sixty-day suspension for his second violation of WWE's Talent Wellness Program.
Orton, who hails from St. Louis, Missouri, the site of Monday's show, will be unable to appear due to the suspension. Though Levesque won't divulge what Orton did wrong, he notes "The Legend Killer" will be back once the suspension concludes.
"It is important to remember that all of our wrestlers are human but they also have to be accountable," Levesque says of Orton's suspension.
As WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent and Live Events, Levesque's corporate role is to discover tomorrow's Superstars. He admits it's a struggle.
"We're trying to teach them to be the Stone Colds and the Undertakers of tomorrow, but the one thing we can't teach is charisma," said Levesque. "You can teach people to do moves and create story lines and the psychology of what we do, but you can't teach someone to be the Rock. It's an innate ability to walk into a room and have everyone pay attention. Put aside the athleticism and what happens in the ring, what our business is really about is connecting with people emotionally. If you are emotionally connected to your character, then people will want to see you. It's true in Hollywood and movies. You don't have to be the best actor, just be a presence."
Triple H, The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin created on-screen personas "fans loved, hated or loved to hate" on Raw in the late '90s. Levesque feels they were the first stars of reality television.
"Every guy we have, whether it's me, whether it's the Undertaker, whether it's John Cena playing the character John Cena, is a performer," said Levesque. "What we did is very much the beginning of reality television. 'Jersey Shore,' whether people want to believe it or not, is a scripted kind-of show. They don't give them every single word, but they give them premises and they set things up. It's not a documentary where you follow them around brushing their teeth. And that's what we are — we blur that line and that's what people find intriguing."
Levesque also offers insight on The Rock and Kane's on-stage personalities, WWE's decision to make their shows "PG" television, critics denouncing wrestling as "fake," and more.
100 Million Fans Like WWE...
STAMFORD, Conn., July 20, 2012 – WWE® (NYSE:WWE) today announced that it has eclipsed 100 million fans through its global social media networks, further cementing its position as one of the most followed brands in the world.
To celebrate this milestone, WWE has surprised its 100 millionth social media fan, Alex Guerrero, Jr., 27 from San Antonio, Texas with a free trip to Monday Night Raw’s 1,000th episode live from St. Louis, Mo. this Monday. Guerrero will also appear on the show and be featured across all of WWE’s social media platforms, including Tout, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and on, making him an online Superstar.
Currently, WWE has more than 73 million Facebook fans and 30 million Twitter followers across all of its networks. WWE’s network of Facebook pages has more fans than the NFL’s Facebook league page and its 32 team pages combined. WWE’s flagship Facebook page has a stronger following than brands such as MLB, ESPN, Nickelodeon, HBO, Pepsi and CNN. On Twitter, @WWE has more followers than the NHL, McDonald’s, TMZ, CNBC, and Coca-Cola. Earlier this year, WWE and its Superstars received six 2011 Mashable Awards including “Digital Company of the Year” and "Must Follow Brand on Social Media."
The 1,000th episode of Monday Night Raw not only marks a new 8/7C start time on USA Network, but an expanded three-hour format that will usher in a new era of interactive programming, where viewers will become part of the action by using social media platforms to have a voice in the show.
McMahon releases 2010 tax returns...
NORTH HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Senate candidate Linda McMahon has released tax returns showing the former wrestling executive and her husband earned $30.6 million in 2010.
The endorsed Republican candidate in the race for Connecticut's open U.S. Senate seat says her 2011 returns also eventually will be released.
The campaign provided copies of the 2010 returns to The Associated Press on Friday. The vast majority of the income for McMahon and her husband Vince, the CEO and president of WWE, formerly World Wrestling Entertainment, came from stock dividends. They paid $4.7 million in federal taxes.
A McMahon spokesman said the Greenwich couple is releasing only the 2010 returns for now because the 2011 returns have not been completed.
McMahon is facing former Congressman Christopher Shays in the Aug. 14 Republican primary election.
Pensioners to be Banned From Titanic II's Casino - 18th July...
Pensioners will be banned from the casino onboard Titanic II -- as will anyone travelling in steerage -- according to the man behind the project, eccentric Australian billionaire Clive Palmer.
Palmer wants to protect pensioners from themselves and questions whether anyone who can't afford a First Class ticket should even be gambling onboard.
Speaking at a press conference in Brisbane yesterday, Palmer also revealed the deck plans for the replica ship -- which will follow the original plans as closely as possible but with one or two modern additions, including lifts, air-conditioning -- and enough (modern) lifeboats.
The ship, which is being built in China, will be about four feet wider in the beam, with an extra deck to carry more passengers, lifeboats and safety equipment, including escape chutes. The hull will be welded (rather than riveted), and it will be diesel-powered, rather than run by coal, despite Palmer making his billions from mining.
Teijo Niemela, Editor of Cruise Business Review, questioned how closely it would be possible to stick to the original design: "It's quite an interesting problem that they're going to have with the design. The closer they keep the design to the original, the less the ship will be modern. After a few years when all who are interested have seen the product, how many will want to go back to a ship whose design is 100 years old?
On the other hand, if they incorporate too many modern features, such as the gadgets Queen Mary 2 has, then the problem is it wouldn't be Titanic II."
Like the original, Titanic II will be divided into first, second and third classes, with those in steerage sharing bathrooms and sitting at long tables for meals.
Clearly influenced by the James Cameron movie, Palmer said that's where he would be found –- dancing jigs (presumably with a Kate Winslet lookalike) –- in third class:
"It's more fun to dance around with an Irish drum than it is to sit at a casino all night," he said at the press conference. "That's where I'll be -- that's where the fun will be!"
First-class tickets on the original ship in today's money would cost about £57,000 -- about the price of a world cruise on a six star ship today, and out of reach of all but the most wealthy. Palmer said: "I'm sure we can do better than that," when asked what a first class ticket would sell at.
When pressed why he wanted to ban pensioners from the casino, Palmer insisted he did not want to cause offence to the elderly: "I love pensioners. My closest relations are pensioners," he said. "I was just trying to say that we need to protect and respect people who have given a lot service to this country and make sure that we don't act positively to impoverish them later -- that's all it boils down to. We have to have some social responsibility too."
The casino is likely to be located in first class, so as with on Cunard's Grill Class, it will be possible to segregate passengers, Palmer explained: "There will be some sort of screening to make sure the people who do go there are people who can afford to go there. I think third class we'd have to have questions about, wouldn't we? If you can afford a first class ticket at the prices that I'll be charging, you can probably afford to go to the casino. We'll only locate the casino in first class probably, so we should be able to segregate."
The drawings released yesterday depict nine decks, complete with first-, second- and third-class staterooms, as well as officer and crew accommodations. From deck D upward, engineers Deltamarin have managed to keep the public rooms, passenger stairs, cabins and features in similar locations as in the original ship. The board of his shipping company, Blue Star Line, is yet to approve the final design. The first voyage is set for late 2016.
Warner Bros Says 'The Dark Knight Rises' Won't Beat 'The Avengers'...
The Hollywood Report is reporting that the pre-release tracking numbers for "The Dark Knight Rises" are so high that the movie should have no problem topping the $158 million opening of "The Dark Knight" and getting the best U.S debut for a 2D film.
According to Warner Bros, Christopher Nolan's third Batman film has already grossed $25 million in advance ticket sales, which is one of the best results of all time. The studio believes that "The Dark Knight Rises" will end up at around $170 million for the weekend, but box office experts believe that the film will likely end up between $185 million and $195 million.
As predicted earlier, "The Dark Knight Rises" will likely not beat "The Avengers" ($207.4 million) for the highest-grossing opening weekend, but should surpass "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2" ($169.2 million). Both of the films had the advantage of being released in 3D. Roughly $35 million of "The Avengers" opening numbers came from the extra charge that comes with watching films in 3D.
The other problem that "The Dark Knight Rises" faces is being 2 hours and 43 minutes long. Very often people tend to wait for lengthy films to come out on DVD/Blu-ray. Plus, theaters won't be able to squeeze in as many screenings as they could for a shorter movie.
Warner, China Film clash on 'Dark Knight' debut against 'Spider-Man'...
A plan to open superhero movies "The Amazing Spider-Man"and "The Dark Knight Rises"on the same date in China has prompted a tense standoff between film authorities in Beijing and Hollywood's biggest studio.
Warner Bros.' Batman sequel "The Dark Knight Rises" and Sony Pictures' reboot "The Amazing Spider-Man" have both been scheduled to open in China on Aug. 30 , according to to several people familiar with the Chinese movie market not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
Release dates in China are set not by studios, but by the state-owned China Film Group.
Such a move would almost certainly depress the box office grosses of both big-budget pictures as they compete for audiences and screens.
In response, Warner Bros. is lobbying China Film Group to delay the opening of "Dark Knight Rises" to September, the knowledgeable people said. The negotiations are delicate, however, as China Film's decision-making process is opaque to Hollywood studios.
The underlying question in the dispute is which side has more leverage: China Film Group, the gatekeeper to the world's second-largest movie market; or Warner Bros., which controls one of the most anticipated movies of the year, expected to gross more than $1 billion worldwide.
Spokespeople for Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures declined to comment.
"Dark Knight Rises" is opening in the U.S. on Friday as well as in many other countries in Europe and Asia; "Spider-Man" has already been open for several weeks in most territories.
Should China Film refuse to change the opening date of "The Dark Knight Rises," Warner Bros.'s only apparent option would be to hold back the movie entirely, potentially giving up tens of millions of dollars in box office revenue from the country in order to stand on principle.
REVIEW: 'Dark Knight Rises'
The news comes a week after the revelation that the 3-D animated movies "Ice Age: Continental Drift" (from 20th Century Fox) and "The Lorax" (from Universal Pictures) will premiere against each other on July 27 in China.
In the past, it has been highly unusual for similar movies to open on the same date in China as the government sought to boost box office receipts, which hit $2 billion last year and are projected to rise to $3 billion by the end of 2012.
But Chinese authorities may be concerned that Hollywood movies have been performing much better than local product so far this year, according to people with ties to the Chinese film market who did not want to be identified publicly because it might jeopardize their relationships there.
These people said that executives at China Film appear to be opening similar American movies against each other in order to minimize their box office takes.
Xiao Ping, the general manager in charge of importing movies at China Film Group, said she had not received any "official confirmation" of the release dates of "The Amazing Spider-Man" and "The Dark Knight Rises."
"I'm not sure when those two movies will be released in China," she said. "It all depends on the market conditions."
She referred a Times reporter to other executives at China Film. One who worked in the legal department said that the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Assn. is in charge of scheduling release dates.
However, a woman who answered the phone at the association said she couldn't comment and referred questions back to China Film Group.
There has been an unofficial "blackout" on American movies in China for the last several weeks -- with only local product appearing in theaters--from the opening of the animated film "Brave" on June 19 until "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1" arrives on July 25.
Consequently, there is expected to be a back-up of Hollywood summer tentpole pictures opening on top of one another over the next couple of months.
If China Film Group decides to continue opening American movies on the same dates, it could impact such pictures as the 3-D animated films "Hotel Transylvania," "Frankenweenie," "Wreck-It-Ralph" and "Rise of the Guardians," as well as "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" and the James Bond picture "Skyfall."
Jessica Biel Bails on 'The Wolverine,' a Superhero Movie That Can't Get a Break...
After three successful X-Men with a total domestic gross of nearly a $1 billion, a spin-off, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, and one of the greatest modern cameos of all time (his f-bomb in X-Men: First Class is truly inspired), one would think Hugh Jackman getting another round of mutant comic book action off the ground would be easy peasy lemon squeezy. Not so.
The latest hiccup for Wolverine's second outing, simply titled The Wolverine, sees Jessica Biel vacating a role that she never quite had. Rumors were swirling around Comic-Con that Biel was in talks for the costarring role of "Viper" in the film. The actress was in talks with the studio for the part on Friday, but the negotiations fell through. Biel, who previously lent her action acting skills to the third installment of the Blade franchise and the upcoming Total Recall, reportedly had "cold feet" regarding the role and opted out of joining the sequel.
The departure of Biel is another bump in the road for The Wolverine. After the middling success of X-Men Origins: Wolverine, questions over whether the gruff, ballbusting hero would get another chance at a solo career. Director Gavin Hood insisted that a second film was on the way, with writer Christopher McQuarrie (The Usual Suspects, Jack Reacher) hired to pen a script in August 2009. When Hood was not asked to return for a follow-up, plans for a sequel were stuck in limbo. But after the success of Black Swan, Jackman's former Fountain director Darren Aronofsky stepped in to helm the picture with a revamped title that separated it from the previous Origins series: The Wolverine.
Aronofsky boarded The Wolverine in October of 2010, but by March of 2011, he was bowing out of the project, citing the need to remain in the country with his family (the director had split from his wife Rachel Weisz in November, following the announcement). The departure of the director wasn't even The Wolverine's biggest issue: McQuarrie's script for the film took the action to Japan, following one of the character's most famous arcs, but just before Aronofsky's departure, Japan suffered a massive earthquake that devastated the country and left business out to dry. Once again, Fox was stuck with a project they were dying to make but with no one and no where to make it. An immediate search began for a new director, and by June 2011, the studio settled on James Mangold (3:10 to Yuma, Knight & Day) to helm the picture. The film was on the fast track to shoot in fall of that year in Australia.
With whether concerns in Japan a lingering problem, The Wolverine bounced around start dates with its star eventually taking on another project in the interim, the musical Les Miserables. But after years of false starts, the pieces for the comic book sequel are falling into place, Jackman confirming at this year's CinemaCon that production would begin in August for a release date of July 26, 2013.
The Wolverine has already begun assembling its primarily Japanese cast, signing on Hiroyuki Sanada, Hal Yamanouchi , Tao Okamoto and Rila Fukushima for key roles, but the loss of Biel comes as a blow to the production. The star is one of the few go-to female action heroines — and her profile is only growing. Who can go toe-to-toe with Jackman on both a physical and emotional level. In the comics, The Viper character begins in a romantic relationship with Wolverine before double-crossing him and taking him down. The casting of Biel is an indication that, at the very least, Viper will be seeing a bit of the action in the film (and with a name like Viper, how could she not?). There's no word yet on who could fill Biel's shoes, but if Total Recall is any indication, actress Kate Beckinsale has the chops to contend with Biel. An ample replacement? Who should take over Viper from the quickly-departed Biel?
Dwayne Johnson to play Lobo...
Dwayne Johnson has confirmed he is in talks with producer Joel Silver and director Brad Peyton to play comic book star Lobo....
Dwayne Johnson has confirmed he is in talks to play comic book star Lobo.
The 'G.I. Joe: Retaliation' star - who also wrestles in the WWE as The Rock - took to his twitter account to reveal he has entered negotiations with producer Joel Silver and director Brad Peyton about taking on the role of DC Comics' Czarnian bounty hunter.
In response to a fan's question about whether he is playing the character, he tweeted: "Rumors of me possibly playing LOBO are true. Joel Silver and Brad Peyton working on it now. That could be fun.. (sic)"
Earlier this year, Brad took up an offer from Warner Bros. to make the DC Comics movie as his next project.
The filmmaker teamed up with Dwayne on 'Journey 2: The Mysterious Island', which features Sir Michael Caine, Josh Hutcherson and Vanessa Hudgens, and sees the wrestler star as explorer Hank Parsons.
Dwayne's next movie role will see him portray Roadblock on forthcoming action motion picture 'G.I. Joe: Retaliation', and he recently admitted he signed up for the project because he thought there was "room for improvement" in the franchise after watching 2009's 'G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra'.
He explained: "I was even more than 'Yeah I'm in.' But also too, you wanna be a little bit poised with your excitement at first. When I first heard it, the idea of starring in 'G.I. Joe', first of all you get a second crack at something that is - the franchise is that big, the title is that big, the first one did well [but there was] room for improvement.
"We get a second crack at bat with this; I wanted to grab this by the throat and not let go. The moment I locked in, we all agreed, I'm in."
‘Dark Knight Rises’ SRO Official Academy Screening Begins With Moment Of Silence For Colorado Tragedy Victims...
The Colorado movie theatre shooting tragedy apparently did not dampen the want-to-see factor for The Dark Knight Rises among members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences. At Saturday night’s official screening at the Academy’s 1012 seat Samuel Goldwyn Theatre in Beverly Hills an SRO crowd , the largest so far this year and easily one of the largest in many years , turned out to see the much-awaited conclusion to Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy. The Academy crowd was so big that in a highly unusual move for one of these official weekend Acad member screenings ( which often draw far less than capacity audiences) an announcement was made that anyone not having a seat or not happy with the seat they did have could go to the lobby and they would begin filling the Academy’s adjacent Little Theatre.
In another highly unusual move for one of these regular screenings Academy President Tom Sherak was on hand and made a few remarks before asking for a moment of silence for the victims of the horrendous tragedy which occurred early Friday morning shortly after the first midnight screening began at the Aurora, Colorado theatre.
I am told this is what he said in part, “… (this was) such a thankless act of violence by a deranged individual who took the lives of so many innocent people and wounded so many others. The movie-going experience is one which we should be able to enjoy with others in our community in an environment that is safe. We should be able to go to our local theatres and leave our problems behind and allow the movie to transport us to a place that entertains us and captures our imagination. For now though, we understandably feel angst and uneasiness with this tragic event and question the why and the how. Let us take a moment of silence before we begin to hold those innocent people and their families in our hearts and in our prayers. Our condolences surely go out to all of them”.
At least one observer told me reaction to the film itself was “fantastic with much applause at the end”. Although it is far from the studio’s or anybody’s mind this weekend – and should be – Warner Bros is known to have high Oscar hopes for the film. The Academy’s switch from five to ten Best Picture nominees in 2009 is widely thought to have been instigated by the omission of a Best Picture nod for 2008′s The Dark Knight which was nominated overall for 8 mostly below-the-line Oscars and won for Sound Editing and most notably a posthumous Best Supporting Actor statuette for Heath Ledger who played the Joker.
Official Academy screenings of The Dark Knight Rises continue Tuesday in New York and Thursday in San Francisco. London-based members saw it last Thursday.
Studio Quiet on “Dark Knight Rises” Box Office; Will it Top “The Avengers?”
In the wake of the tragic shooting at a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises,” it would potentially appear callous to focus on the whopping box office success of the highly-anticipated film.
As such, Warner Brothers Pictures issued a statement saying it will not officially report box office data over the weekend. Studio estimates often help formulate the “reports” movie buffs read on Saturday morning and then again Sunday afternoon. Official results are not delivered until Monday.
Those with inside sources, however, are reporting that the film’s tracking looks very strong. The question remains whether it will beat “The Avengers.”
Though it had a stronger midnight opening, “Dark Knight,” according to Deadline, will likely land in line with the other film’s opening day total. Given the passionate following for the latest Batman film series, this phenomenon makes sense–seeing the movie at midnight was a bona fide event for millions, but it is not necessarily a more widely-appealing movie than the star-studded “Avengers.”
Like “Avengers,” “The Dark Knight Rises” is tracking for about $80 million on Friday. “Avengers” held up reasonably well over the weekend to earn $207 million; it remains to be seen if interest in “The Dark Knight” is too front-loaded to bring another $120 million to the table on Saturday and Sunday.
Marvel & Latino Review: Studio Allegedly Threatens Movie Writer Over 'Guardians Of The Galaxy' Leak...
On June 28, Latino Review writer Dave Gonzales -- writing under the pseudonym Da7e -- broke the news that Marvel was planning to make "Guardians of the Galaxy" one of its next films. Trades like Variety and THR were quick to pick up the news -- did as well, but without crediting Gonzales for the story -- and by the time Marvel officially announced "Guardians of the Galaxy" at Comic-Con on July 14, it seemed nearly everyone with a Twitter account was already aware of the project.
That apparently didn't sit very well with Marvel.
On Thursday, Gonzales posted an email he received from someone posing as a Marvel representative -- the writer was later revealed to be Robert Grosser, a vice president of loss prevention at Marvel, by THR -- that asked for the source of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" news. (Gonzales also broke a story about "Iron Man 3.")
The executives at Marvel are extremely upset regarding the release of this information and they have instructed me to find you and ascertain how you received it. My goal is to accomplish this in a quiet manner. I do not want to see you or anyone else get into trouble nor do I want to see anyone’s career be tarnished because of this. However I am very confident that through your efforts and mine, we will be able to work through this together. I personally feel that you did not have any malicious intent when you posted your spoilers on the fanboy website. Like many fans out there, you just wanted to be the first one to post something on the internet. I get it, however the "Iron Man 3" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" information was confidential and you did not have Marvel’s consent to post it. That was illegal!
Needless to say, Gonzales wasn't thrilled about the accusations or threats. Not only did he post the email online, he wrote this in response:
I’m not responding to this e-mail outside of this post, because I’ve done nothing wrong. A representative of my favorite comics house just stepped into my life with no legal authority to demand anything and threatened my career for doing my job well.
According to THR's legal blog, THR, Esq., Marvel would have a difficult time bringing any charges against Gonzales, a reporter, for reporting a story.
As for "Guardians of the Galaxy," Marvel announced the film at Comic-Con and will release it into theaters on Aug. 1, 2014.
For more on the legal ramifications of this story, head over to THR. To check out Gonzales' full report, hit Latino Review.
Thor: The Dark World - Stuntman Leak?...
At Marvel Studios’ panel at Comic-Con, it was revealed that the sequel to ‘Thor’ would be called ‘Thor: The Dark World’. But then the new title left people wondering what made Thor’s world so dark. It seems that stuntman James Grogan may have the answer to that.
In an interview with IReviewToo (via Comic Book Movie), Grogan may have just revealed who Chris Hemsworth will have to face in his next outing as the God of Thunder, beside Tom Hiddleston, who’s reprising his role as Loki. Here’s what the stuntman had to say:
“The other day for example, this is quite random but I was working on ‘Thor 2’. I had a load of stunt guys in and the director came in and he said ‘Look, we want you all to be elves,’ and I was like ‘What the hell is an elf anyway?’ and he said ‘I want you all to walk around like these supernatural animals,’ honestly it was the most ridiculous thing ever but you just have to not be self aware and get on with it.”
Elves? In ‘The Dark World’? Well for those in the know, one might assume that Thor will be facing off against the Dark Elves of Svartalfheim under the leadership of Malekith the Accursed. Back when Mads Mikkelsen was in talks for the role of an unnamed villain in Alan Taylor’s film, I speculated that he would play the demon Surtur, but now that we have more information to go on, could it be that the Danish actor who left the production was set to play the evil elf? And who’s lined up to play the villain now to fill the vacancy?
Also, as CBM notes, Loki and Malekith have been in cahoots before to acquire the Cask of Ancient Winters, which was featured in the first journey in Asgard, so maybe Taylor will be inspired by that comic storyline for his movie. Since production begins next month in London, I’m sure we’ll find out soon enough.
‘Thor: The Dark World’, directed by ‘Game of Thrones’ favorite Alan Taylor, starring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Natalie Portman, Idris Elba, and Anthony Hopkins, is scheduled for release on November 8, 2013.
Dwayne Johnson Up For "Lobo" Film...
After being asked by a fan, Dwayne Johnson has revealed that talk of him playing alien bounty hunter "Lobo", in the proposed DC Comics feature film adaptation in development at Warner Bros. Pictures, has some weight to it.
"Rumors of me possibly playing LOBO are true. Joel Silver and Brad Peyton working on it now. That could be fun" he states on Twitter. The studio has not set a release date yet for the film.
If cast, Johnson would reunite with his "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" director Brad Peyton on the movie.
Russell Crowe, 'Harry Potter' star Emma Watson to shoot 'Noah' on Long Island, New York...
Director Darren Aronofsky ("Black Swan," "The Wrestler") Thursday tweeted the first photo of the Noah's Ark set he's constructing on Long Island for his upcoming "Noah," based on his own graphic-novel reimagining of the Biblical epic.
"We're shooting in Oyster Bay, Long Island," a Paramount spokeswoman told Newsday. "Confirmed cast includes Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Logan Lerman and Douglas Booth." Oscar-winner Crowe is set to play a version of Noah, whom the graphic novel's publisher, Le Lombard, describes as "a Mad Max out of the depths of time." (Connelly will play Noah's wife, and Hopkins the 900-year-old Methuselah.)
"I dreamt about this since I was 13," Aronofsky, 43, tweeted. "And now it's a reality. Genesis 6:14," he said, referring to the Bible passage that reads, "Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch."
Meanwhile, Grant Wilfley Casting has scheduled an open call for "Noah" extras Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at The Greek Orthodox Church of Holy Resurrection in Brookville, specifying "men and women with toned-slender runner's bodies, who are willing to work at night in the rain." A previous open call had taken place June 29 in Manhattan.
"Noah," scheduled for release March 28, 2014, will adapt the graphic novel by writers Aronofsky and Ari Handel and artist Niko Henrichon, which was published in French last October.
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson In Highest Paid Actors List...
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson was listed at #4 on the Forbes annual list of the highest paid actors in the world over the past year. Johnson was reported as earning $36 million this past year, behind only Tom Cruise ($75 million), Leonardo DiCaprio ($37 million) and Adam Sandler ($37 million).
Roddy Piper gives tips to CM Punk...
WWE Hall of Famer Roddy Piper continues to praise WWE Champion CM Punk. Piper says he is going to sit down with Punk at Monday's big RAW and give him some advice for his troubles with Big Show. Piper wrote:
"Watched @CMPunk on Raw. A great job. I fought Andre so many times going to sit down with Punk at 1000 Raw a tell him a secret. He's worh it!"
AW Wants To Be WWE RAW GM...
AW says he is the one to take us back to the WWE Attitude Era. He wrote the following in response to fans criticizing his open mic work on RAW:
"If you're annoyed by me on the mic it's not me u hate it's ur own lack of internal fortitude you despise. #StopHatingO's. I'm not politically correct. If u get offended deal with it. #AttitudeEra is my motto. I grew up on it, I live it!!! #F*ckFearDrinkBeer!! If anybody's gonna take us back to the #AttitudeEra it's me. Doubt me if u will, don't let the suit fool you. We've only just begun...."
WWE Has More Legends Confirmed for RAW 1000; Stone Cold Steve Austin...
On rumors that Steve Austin will face Heath Slater on Raw 1,000: "Austin will definitely give him the stunner, ya' know thats coming! Fans get ready, you're gonna see a Stunner!"
On if he will be apart of Raw 1,000: "I will be making an appearance...people will see that my spikes were excellently repainted! Yeah, I'll be there all painted up, with bells on boys! If it happens it happens, I'm ready!"
On what else to expect for Raw 1,000: "It's gonna star studded, on my flight alone is me, DDP and Bret 'Hitman' Hart!"
WWE Focus On recruiting...
Within WWE, recruiting is now the highest priority it has been since more than a decade ago when WWE had the original strong class in Ohio Valley Wrestling. Gerald Brisco and Canyon Ceman, a recent Triple H hire, were recruiting new talents this past week at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. They were specifically looking at wrestlers, weightlifters and track athletes. Brisco was highest on a bobsled racer who he thought had a great look and who loved wrestling. The racer is the pusher for his bobsled team and may want to wait until after the 2014 Winter Games. (Wrestling Observer Newsletter)
ICP’s annual Gathering of the Juggalos...
Wrestling stars announced for ICP’s annual Gathering of the Juggalos JCW BloodyMania event include Scott Steiner, Vader, John Morrison, Carlito, Bobby Lashley, Chavo Guerrero, Shane Helms, Matt Hardy, The Headbangers, The Rock ‘n Roll Express, Colt Cabana, Vampiro, Steve Corino and others. As noted before, Ric Flair will also be present as the host of the Main Stage.
Dave "Batista" Bautista to have GQ feature...
Former WWE Champion Dave "Batista" Bautista took part in a photo shoot for men's magazine GQ on Thursday to promote the upcoming martial arts film written by RZA and Eli Roth, The Man with the Iron Fists. The noted wrestler appears in the flick with Academy Award winner Russell Crowe, Lucy Liu and mixed martial artist Cung Lee. It is set for release in North America on November 2, 2012.
WWE SmackDown Results: July 20, 2012...
Five nights after Money-in-the-Bank, the 674th edition of WWE Friday Night SmackDown came to you from the Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, CA. After their shocking engagement on RAW and their even more shocking wedding date for the 1,000th Episode of RAW, the bride and groom-to-be, AJ and Daniel Bryan, would be the special guests on The Peep Show, hosted by Intercontinental Champion Christian!
Match Results
8-Man Tag: The Prime Time Players, Hunico, & Camacho (with A.W.) def. R-Truth, Kofi Kingston, Primo, & Epico by Darren Young pinning Primo following the gutbuster.
Damien Sandow def. Zack Ryder by pin following the straightjacket neckbreaker.
Kane def. Daniel Bryan by DQ after AJ interferes.
Road Warrior Animal def. Heath Slater by pin following a jumping elbow drop.
Sheamus & Rey Mysterio def. Dolph Ziggler & Alberto Del Rio by DQ after Ricardo Rodriguez interferes.
Warner Bros. Consumer Products Announces Worldwide Licensing Program For The Dark Knight Rises
Epic Conclusion of the Dark Knight Trilogy Hits Theaters on July 20...
BURBANK, Calif., July 19, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ -- The Bat-Signal soars above the skies as Warner Bros. Consumer Products (WBCP) and its global partners launch the worldwide licensing and merchandising program that supports the eagerly awaited epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan's phenomenally popular Dark Knight trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. As the summer blockbuster swoops into theaters, beginning July 20, WBCP unveils the unprecedented lineup of global licensees and products capturing the excitement for the film around the world.
"Batman is one of the most iconic characters in the world and our global merchandising program inspired by The Dark Knight Rises offers fans of all ages an opportunity to extend their experience beyond the theater," said Brad Globe, President, Warner Bros. Consumer Products. "The characters, gadgets and vehicles created by Christopher Nolan have opened up a world of great product opportunities."
In support of The Dark Knight Rises, WBCP and its host of renowned licensees are rolling out a vast product lineup generating awareness and enthusiasm just in time for the tentpole film's release. Led by global master toy licensee Mattel, the film will also be supported by key partners such as The LEGO Group, Hallmark, Kinetix, Converse, Rubie's Costume Company, and Titan Books, among many other licensees worldwide. The myriad of merchandise supporting The Dark Knight Rises will bring the film to life and into the homes of fans with a licensing program that boasts offerings across multiple categories from toys and games, to collectibles and costumes, to apparel and accessories, to publishing, party goods and domestic decor.
Mattel, global master toy partner for the film and DC Comics, will have a broad lineup as part of its Batman toy collection including action figures, playsets and collectible figures, highlighted by the fan-favorite Movie Masters(TM) line for the older fans and serious collectors, which captures the superior accuracy and details of the characters from The Dark Knight Rises. In addition, the authentic film-inspired toy line introduces the innovative play technology QuickTek(TM), which offers snap-and-slide armor and accessories.
The much-anticipated film is also being supported by LEGO, the official partner in the construction category, with a construction set inspired by The Dark Knight Rises; Rubie's Costume Co., bringing a wide range of costume products based on the entire DC Comics portfolio, including The Dark Knight Rises; and Hallmark offering collectible ornaments.
Additional licensees also supporting the film include: PPW Toys' DC Super Heroes collectible line of Mr. Potato Heads, including a "Caped Cru-Tater" figure inspired by The Dark Knight Rises; Jakks Pacific with a range of film-inspired novelty and large scale figures and plush; and Cardinals Industries' games and puzzles based on The Dark Knight Rises and Batman, as well as other legendary DC Comics characters. Funko brings its fun stylized plush and vinyl collection; Mezco unmasks colorfully detailed vinyl figures; Hornby Hobbies revs it up with a Scalextric limited edition Batman Tumbler vehicle; Thinkway Toys brings their best-in-class innovation to a range of remote control vehicles, figures, and basic role play toys inspired by Batman and The Dark Knight Rises; and McFarlane Toys unveils a special edition collectible action figure of former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver and two-time Super Bowl champion, Hines Ward, in his Gotham Rogues uniform as worn in The Dark Knight Rises.
The licensing program for The Dark Knight Rises reaches multiple product categories. In apparel, high-end fashion from Kinetix and Kids Republic, to Braccialini's cat-walk Catwoman-inspired clutch, to trendy apparel from Bioworld, Junkfood, French Connection, Converse, New Era and Diesel, gives fans a chance to don the look with t-shirts, limited edition sneakers and caps, accessories and more inspired by the artistry and graphics from The Dark Knight Rises; as well as Under Armour with their specialty athletic gear as inspired by their Gotham Rogues uniforms in the film. Collectibles from Hot Toys, Kotobukiya, Mobius Models and Noble Collection offer discerning collectors a chance to display the most artistic and detailed figures and replicas; Mimoco offers cool-collectors' high-tech USB flash drives for all fans; and home goods from Franco, and more will bring Batman to life in any room in the house. In publishing, WBCP and its partners take an in-depth look at all of the vehicles, gadgets, uniforms and more as seen in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. Titan Books will bring the film to the page with its official tie-in novelization; Abrams releases The Art and Making of the Dark Knight Trilogy; HarperCollins caters to younger fans with a publishing program that includes a Junior novelization, I Can Read book series and assorted activity books; and Insight Editions lets fans and auto aficionados get into the driver's seat in Batmobile: The Complete History coffee table book about the iconic Batmobile through the years, as well as giving an inside look at the secrets to being Batman in The Dark Knight Manual.
Other licensees that are part of the exciting roll-out for The Dark Knight Rises program, including Lava Lite LLC, Skinit, Inc., Cufflinks, Inc., Graphitti Designs, The Northwest Company, Thermos, Trends International, Muckle Mannequins, Molli Toys and Bakery Crafts, among many others - each offering inspired product that will delight all fans.
About The Dark Knight Rises Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' The Dark Knight Rises is the epic conclusion to Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy. The film stars Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, Anne Hathaway, Tom Hardy, Marion Cotillard, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Morgan Freeman. Christopher Nolan directed the film from a screenplay by Jonathan Nolan and Christopher Nolan, story by Christopher Nolan & David S. Goyer. Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Charles Roven are the producers, with Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin De La Noy and Thomas Tull serving as executive producers, and Jordan Goldberg co-producing. The Dark Knight Rises is based upon Batman characters created by Bob Kane and published by DC Comics.
Opening in theatres and IMAX on July 20, 2012, The Dark Knight Rises will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company. The film has been rated PG-13 for intense sequences of violence and action, some sensuality and language.
Gazillion Entertainment President David Brevik Talks Marvel Heroes MMO
The new game will offer dynamic environments...
SAN DIEGO -- Gazillion Entertainment have Comic-Con 2012 fans a first play of the free-to-play online game Marvel Heroes. The game combines the energy of action role-playing games with the breadth and immersion of the MMO genre, while sharing some popular features from Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo games.
Fans were able to play one of four iconic Marvel characters at the convention and battle through the war-torn streets of Mutant Town and Fort Stryker to defeat Magneto and retrieve William Stryker from his clutches. Along the way, players got a taste of the extensive loot and costume options for each hero. Developers of the game were at the Marvel Entertainment booth, which featured Iron Man 3, to guide players and answer questions during play.
“San Diego Comic-Con is the perfect venue for gamers and Marvel fans to play Marvel Heroes for the first time,” said Brevik. “Marvel Heroes is a great leap forward for the MMO genre, combining the rapid pace of an action-RPG with the depth of an MMO.”
During San Diego Comic-Con, fans also were able to play through the game to find the Tablet of Life and Time, which is a powerful item in Marvel Heroes. The Tablet has been stolen in a daring raid, and to help get it back the Marvel Heroes Task Force needed help. San Diego Comic-Con attendees were deputized and issued a unique photo ID badge, then put hot on the trail of the Tablet. Over the course of The Con, fans won t-shirts, beta codes and other prizes.
WWE Triple H Talks Talent...
Promoting this coming Monday's historic 1000th episode of Raw, Paul Levesque, also known as Triple H, addressed a number of topics including Randy Orton's ongoing sixty-day suspension for his second violation of WWE's Talent Wellness Program.
Orton, who hails from St. Louis, Missouri, the site of Monday's show, will be unable to appear due to the suspension. Though Levesque won't divulge what Orton did wrong, he notes "The Legend Killer" will be back once the suspension concludes.
"It is important to remember that all of our wrestlers are human but they also have to be accountable," Levesque says of Orton's suspension.
As WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent and Live Events, Levesque's corporate role is to discover tomorrow's Superstars. He admits it's a struggle.
"We're trying to teach them to be the Stone Colds and the Undertakers of tomorrow, but the one thing we can't teach is charisma," said Levesque. "You can teach people to do moves and create story lines and the psychology of what we do, but you can't teach someone to be the Rock. It's an innate ability to walk into a room and have everyone pay attention. Put aside the athleticism and what happens in the ring, what our business is really about is connecting with people emotionally. If you are emotionally connected to your character, then people will want to see you. It's true in Hollywood and movies. You don't have to be the best actor, just be a presence."
Triple H, The Rock and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin created on-screen personas "fans loved, hated or loved to hate" on Raw in the late '90s. Levesque feels they were the first stars of reality television.
"Every guy we have, whether it's me, whether it's the Undertaker, whether it's John Cena playing the character John Cena, is a performer," said Levesque. "What we did is very much the beginning of reality television. 'Jersey Shore,' whether people want to believe it or not, is a scripted kind-of show. They don't give them every single word, but they give them premises and they set things up. It's not a documentary where you follow them around brushing their teeth. And that's what we are — we blur that line and that's what people find intriguing."
Levesque also offers insight on The Rock and Kane's on-stage personalities, WWE's decision to make their shows "PG" television, critics denouncing wrestling as "fake," and more.
100 Million Fans Like WWE...
STAMFORD, Conn., July 20, 2012 – WWE® (NYSE:WWE) today announced that it has eclipsed 100 million fans through its global social media networks, further cementing its position as one of the most followed brands in the world.
To celebrate this milestone, WWE has surprised its 100 millionth social media fan, Alex Guerrero, Jr., 27 from San Antonio, Texas with a free trip to Monday Night Raw’s 1,000th episode live from St. Louis, Mo. this Monday. Guerrero will also appear on the show and be featured across all of WWE’s social media platforms, including Tout, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and on, making him an online Superstar.
Currently, WWE has more than 73 million Facebook fans and 30 million Twitter followers across all of its networks. WWE’s network of Facebook pages has more fans than the NFL’s Facebook league page and its 32 team pages combined. WWE’s flagship Facebook page has a stronger following than brands such as MLB, ESPN, Nickelodeon, HBO, Pepsi and CNN. On Twitter, @WWE has more followers than the NHL, McDonald’s, TMZ, CNBC, and Coca-Cola. Earlier this year, WWE and its Superstars received six 2011 Mashable Awards including “Digital Company of the Year” and "Must Follow Brand on Social Media."
The 1,000th episode of Monday Night Raw not only marks a new 8/7C start time on USA Network, but an expanded three-hour format that will usher in a new era of interactive programming, where viewers will become part of the action by using social media platforms to have a voice in the show.
McMahon releases 2010 tax returns...
NORTH HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Senate candidate Linda McMahon has released tax returns showing the former wrestling executive and her husband earned $30.6 million in 2010.
The endorsed Republican candidate in the race for Connecticut's open U.S. Senate seat says her 2011 returns also eventually will be released.
The campaign provided copies of the 2010 returns to The Associated Press on Friday. The vast majority of the income for McMahon and her husband Vince, the CEO and president of WWE, formerly World Wrestling Entertainment, came from stock dividends. They paid $4.7 million in federal taxes.
A McMahon spokesman said the Greenwich couple is releasing only the 2010 returns for now because the 2011 returns have not been completed.
McMahon is facing former Congressman Christopher Shays in the Aug. 14 Republican primary election.
Pensioners to be Banned From Titanic II's Casino - 18th July...
Pensioners will be banned from the casino onboard Titanic II -- as will anyone travelling in steerage -- according to the man behind the project, eccentric Australian billionaire Clive Palmer.
Palmer wants to protect pensioners from themselves and questions whether anyone who can't afford a First Class ticket should even be gambling onboard.
Speaking at a press conference in Brisbane yesterday, Palmer also revealed the deck plans for the replica ship -- which will follow the original plans as closely as possible but with one or two modern additions, including lifts, air-conditioning -- and enough (modern) lifeboats.
The ship, which is being built in China, will be about four feet wider in the beam, with an extra deck to carry more passengers, lifeboats and safety equipment, including escape chutes. The hull will be welded (rather than riveted), and it will be diesel-powered, rather than run by coal, despite Palmer making his billions from mining.
Teijo Niemela, Editor of Cruise Business Review, questioned how closely it would be possible to stick to the original design: "It's quite an interesting problem that they're going to have with the design. The closer they keep the design to the original, the less the ship will be modern. After a few years when all who are interested have seen the product, how many will want to go back to a ship whose design is 100 years old?
On the other hand, if they incorporate too many modern features, such as the gadgets Queen Mary 2 has, then the problem is it wouldn't be Titanic II."
Like the original, Titanic II will be divided into first, second and third classes, with those in steerage sharing bathrooms and sitting at long tables for meals.
Clearly influenced by the James Cameron movie, Palmer said that's where he would be found –- dancing jigs (presumably with a Kate Winslet lookalike) –- in third class:
"It's more fun to dance around with an Irish drum than it is to sit at a casino all night," he said at the press conference. "That's where I'll be -- that's where the fun will be!"
First-class tickets on the original ship in today's money would cost about £57,000 -- about the price of a world cruise on a six star ship today, and out of reach of all but the most wealthy. Palmer said: "I'm sure we can do better than that," when asked what a first class ticket would sell at.
When pressed why he wanted to ban pensioners from the casino, Palmer insisted he did not want to cause offence to the elderly: "I love pensioners. My closest relations are pensioners," he said. "I was just trying to say that we need to protect and respect people who have given a lot service to this country and make sure that we don't act positively to impoverish them later -- that's all it boils down to. We have to have some social responsibility too."
The casino is likely to be located in first class, so as with on Cunard's Grill Class, it will be possible to segregate passengers, Palmer explained: "There will be some sort of screening to make sure the people who do go there are people who can afford to go there. I think third class we'd have to have questions about, wouldn't we? If you can afford a first class ticket at the prices that I'll be charging, you can probably afford to go to the casino. We'll only locate the casino in first class probably, so we should be able to segregate."
The drawings released yesterday depict nine decks, complete with first-, second- and third-class staterooms, as well as officer and crew accommodations. From deck D upward, engineers Deltamarin have managed to keep the public rooms, passenger stairs, cabins and features in similar locations as in the original ship. The board of his shipping company, Blue Star Line, is yet to approve the final design. The first voyage is set for late 2016.
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